Friday, October 28, 2011

Mainframe: Run a job at a particular time without the job scheduler

If your shop has Thruput manager (TM), you can use the JTS command in the JCL to direct the TM to run the job at a particular time.

When you submit the below job, the job will be put on hold and system will NOT perform any JCL error checking. The job will be released from "hold" on 06-Nov-2011 at 2.30 AM EST and it will start running.  The beauty is JCL error checking is bypassed until the time is met.

//*JTS RELEASE DATE=2011.310,TIME=02.30

Let us say you want to run a test job every Monday morning and it takes around 4 hours to complete. Instead of running the job on Monday morning and wait for 4 hours, what you can do is, submit the job with JTS RELEASE command on Friday before you leave, to run the job Monday morning at 1 AM EST. So, by the time you reach the office on Monday morning, the job would have completed and thus you can save your time.

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