Monday, December 9, 2024

ISPF - AK/BK/OK Edit/View Line Commands

Detailed post is in

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wrapping lines when PC file uploaded to Mainframe

When trying to upload a notepad/CSV file that contains lines shorter than 80 characters to a mainframe file with LRECL of 80, the lines from the notepad or CSV file will be stored continuously in the mainframe file, with delimiter x'25', instead of individual records.

The below job can used to extract the individual lines from the uploaded file and store them as separate record in a output file

//COB    EXEC  PGM=IGYCRCTL                                      
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                          
//SYSUT1   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT2   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT3   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT4   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT5   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT6   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT7   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT8   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//SYSUT10  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT11  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT12  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT13  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT14  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT15  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT16  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT17  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT18  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT19  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))       
//SYSUT20  DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                            
//SYSMDECK DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                      
//             SPACE=(TRK,(3,3)),DCB=BLKSIZE=800                 
//SYSIN    DD *                          
        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                 
        PROGRAM-ID. HELLO.                                       
        ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                    
        CONFIGURATION SECTION.          
        INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                                
            SELECT INPUT-FILE        ASSIGN TO INFILE.       
        DATA DIVISION.                                       
        FILE SECTION.                                        
        FD  INPUT-FILE.                                      
        01  INPUT-REC.                                       
            05 IN-CHAR  PIC X(01) OCCURS 80 TIMES.          
        FD  OUTPUT-FILE.                                     
        01  OUTPUT-REC   PIC X(80).                         
        WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                             
        01 WS-REC.                                           
           05 WS-CHAR  PIC X(01) OCCURS 80 TIMES.           
        01 WS-IN       PIC S9(04) COMP.                      
        01 WS-OUT      PIC S9(04) COMP.                      
        01 WS-EOF PIC X(01) VALUE 'N'.                       
        PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                  
           OPEN INPUT  INPUT-FILE                            
                OUTPUT OUTPUT-FILE                                    
           MOVE SPACES  TO WS-REC                                     
           READ INPUT-FILE                                            
             AT END MOVE 'Y' TO WS-EOF                                
           PERFORM UNTIL WS-EOF = 'Y'                                 
             PERFORM VARYING WS-IN                                    
                FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL WS-IN > 80                         
                EVALUATE TRUE                                         
                  WHEN IN-CHAR (WS-IN) = '"'                          
                  WHEN IN-CHAR (WS-IN) = X'25'                        
                       WRITE OUTPUT-REC FROM WS-REC                   
                       MOVE ZEROS   TO WS-OUT                         
                       MOVE SPACES  TO WS-REC                         
                  WHEN OTHER                                          
                       ADD 1        TO WS-OUT                         
                       MOVE IN-CHAR (WS-IN) TO WS-CHAR (WS-OUT)       
             READ INPUT-FILE                                         
               AT END MOVE 'Y' TO WS-EOF                             
           CLOSE INPUT-FILE                                          
//SYSLIN   DD  DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)                    
//         DD  DDNAME=SYSIN                                       
//         DSNTYPE=LIBRARY                                        
//SYSLIB   DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.SCEELKED                          
//SYSUT1   DD  UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))                       
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                           
//SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                           
//INFILE   DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=PS file with uploaded text data                     
//OUTFILE  DD  DSN=output file       
//           LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,                                  
//          DISP=(,CATLG),SPACE=(CYL,(50,50),RLSE)

Friday, November 22, 2024

Finding non numeric data in the numeric fields using SORT

Suppose you think that some of the values in the Employees field might contain invalid numeric data, and you want to select the records with those values, if any. Each byte of the 4-byte Employees field should contain '0' through '9'; you would consider any other character, such as 'A' or '.' to be invalid. '1234' is a valid numeric value; it contains all numerics. '12.3' is an invalid numeric value; it contains a non-numeric. You can use one of the numeric test capabilities of the INCLUDE statement to collect the records you want as follows:


If the value in the field (18,4,FS) is not equal (NE) to numerics (NUM), the record is included. The records in the output data set will be those in which the field has non-numerics (a character other than '0'-'9' appears somewhere in the field).

Use NUM to indicate a test for numerics or non-numerics.

Use EQ to test for numerics, or NE to test for non-numerics.

Use FS format for the field if you want to test for character numerics ('0'-'9' in every byte).

Use ZD format for the field if you want to test for zoned decimal numerics ('0'-'9' in all non-sign bytes; X'F0'-X'F9', X'D0'-X'D9' or X'C0'-X'C9' in the sign byte).

Use PD format for the field if you want to test for packed decimal numerics (0-9 for all digits; F, D or C for the sign).

Here's an INCLUDE statement that only includes records in which the Revenue field and Profit field have packed decimal numerics (that is, there are no invalid packed decimal values in these fields).


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Assembler program to process SMF 30 record types 4 and 5


A peek into SMF30 data

Many performance problems in an application can be quickly solved once the bottlenecks are identified. Performance monitoring tools help us identify bottlenecks, but what if a site doesn’t have those expensive tools? What if a site is planning to get rid of its performance tools to cut down costs? Sometimes it is difficult to justify the investment in performance monitoring tools because many sites using them do not use a lot of the information that they provide.

Here is a small utility program that would interpret the SMF 30 records (address space-level accounting record) and produce a report that could help identify candidates for performance tuning. This program can be customized according to your requirements – such as populating a database for performance analysis or producing customized reports. We have utilized this in the past by populating an Access database. The information in the reports is limited to analysing batch workloads.


This program works well with the SMF30 records produced with Version 2 Release 10 of OS/390.

Compile this program after concatenating the SYS.MACLIB provided with your release of OS/390. SMF type 30 layout will be expanded using the IFASMFR macro and the program is set to produce the report using SMF records as input.


Although SMF data given as is to this program can contain any of the SMF record types, it will utilize only the type 30 records with sub-types 4 and 5. It is therefore preferable to filter out those records using IFASMFDP, and SORT these in order of JOBNAME/ STEP name so that the step level reports generated are more readable. JCL to extract the SMF 30 (subtypes 4 and 5) and subsequently SORT the SMF 30 records is given below:

//**** Place Job Card Here






//        DCB=(LRECL=3276Ø,RECFM=VBS),SPACE=(CYL,(5Ø,2Ø),RLSE)












//        DCB=(LRECL=3276Ø,RECFM=VBS),SPACE=(CYL,(5Ø,2Ø),RLSE)

//SYSIN    DD  *

     SORT FIELDS=(247,8,CH,A,215,8,CH,A,255,2,BI,A)


As one may want to focus on a particular set of jobs, this utility allows the user to limit the report output by using masks at the job level. The include criterion is specified on the SYSIN card and can contain the exact job name; alternatively, it can include wildcard characters such as ‘*’ to indicate 0 or more character match, or ‘?’ to indicate exactly one character match. Multiple criteria can be given in the SYSIN card. All jobs satisfying the criteria on the SYSIN cards will be included in the generated reports.

The JCL to run this utility program is shown below:


//STEPLIB  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=<loadlib containing the utility program>

//SYSIN    DD  *








The reports produced by the sample JCL show only the jobs that start with PRD (by providing the JOBNAME=PRD* in SYSIN DD card).


This utility produces five reports that can be used to analyse the address space accounting information – DD cards JOBSU, STEPSU, JOBTIME, STEPTIME, and STEPSTOR.

A report specified by the DD card JOBTIME contains the following information at the job level:

            Job name and job number.

            Job start date (format YYYY-MM-DD) and start time (format HH:MM:SS).

            Job end date (format YYYY-MM-DD) and end time (format HH:MM:SS).

            Total CPU time taken by the job (format HH:MM:SS).

            SRB time taken by the job (format HH:MM:SS).

            Total EXCP count for the job.

            WLM class and WLM service name.

A report specified by the DD card JOBSU contains similar information to JOBTIME except that total CPU time and SRB time is expressed in terms of service units. EXCP count is expressed in terms of I/O service units.

A report specified by the DD card STEPTIME contains the following information:

            Job name and job number.

            Step start date (format YYYY-MM-DD) and start time (format HH:MM:SS).

            Step end date (format YYYY-MM-DD) and end time (format HH:MM:SS).

            Step name.

            Program name.

            CPU time taken by the step (format HH:MM:SS).

            SRB time taken by the step (format HH:MM:SS).

            EXCP count for the step.

Report specified by the DD card STEPSU contains similar information to STEPTIME except that CPU time and SRB time are expressed in terms of service units. Additionally I/O service units are also reported.

A report specified by STEPSTOR contains information about memory usage at the step level. The following information is contained in the report:

            Job name and job number.

            Step name.

            Program name.

            Step start date (format YYYY-MM-DD) and start time (format HH:MM:SS).

            Step end date (format YYYY-MM-DD) and end time (format HH:MM:SS).

            User storage below the 16MB line (in KB).

            User storage above the 16MB line (in KB).

            System storage below the 16MB line (in KB).

            System storage above the 16MB line (in KB).

The output format generated by this utility is easily portable to a spreadsheet or a database like Microsoft Access. Once the data is imported to an office tool like Excel or Access, various in-built functions (like ORDERING or SORTING, Data/Time functions) can be used to quickly get to valuable information like identifying the top consumers of CPU time, identifying long-running jobs, charting the trends over a period of time, or capacity planning. With good job naming conventions, the information can also be used for billing or charge-back purposes. Looking at resource usage in terms of service units may also be useful when moving jobs from one system to other. The STEPSTOR report can be used to see whether the program is using too much storage below the line. If yes, it can be re-compiled with DATA (31) option (if COBOL) to relieve storage below the line. In heavily paging environments, one may want to look at long-running programs consuming high storage to see whether there is potential to reduce their storage requirements. On the other hand, if the paging activity is negligible (or UIC stays at 255), one may want to look at exploiting the storage to reduce elapsed/CPU time for the programs showing high EXCP counts. Depending on what those programs do, it may be possible to use various buffering techniques like batch LSR or System Managed Buffering (SMB).







         $STRGACQ &TYPE,&LEN=,&LOC=

         AIF   ('&TYPE' EQ 'R').L0001

         L     R0,&LEN

         AGO   .L0002

.L0001   ANOP

         LR    R0,&LEN

.L0002   ANOP

         A     R0,=F'4'


         ST    R0,0(,R1)

         LA    R1,4(,R1)



         $STRGREL &TYPE,&ADDR=

         AIF   ('&TYPE' EQ 'R').L0001

         L     R1,&ADDR

         AGO   .L0002

.L0001   ANOP

         LR    R1,&ADDR

.L0002      ANOP

         S     R1,=F'4'

         L     R0,0(,R1)





         USING SMF30PG,R12

$CONS    DS    0H

         B     $CONSL(R15)

         DC    C'SMF30PG &SYSDATE. &SYSTIME.'

         DS    0H


         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)           Store caller information

         LR    R12,R15                   R12 Base

         LR    R2,R1                     Save R1 for later

         $STRGACQ A,LEN==A($DYNL),LOC=31   Acq Dyn Stor

         ST    R13,4(,R1)                Save Back pointer

         ST    R1,8(,R13)                Save forward pointer

         LR    R13,R1                    My save area

         USING $DYN,R13                  Let Assembler know

         BAS   R14,OPEN#000                 Open all the files.

         LTR   R15,R15                   Mandatory files opened ?

         BNZ   RETURN4                   N: bail out

         LA    R1,SYSIN                  point to SYSIN offset

         M     R0,=A(FILESIZ)             Get the real offset

         A     R1,FILEDATA               Add start

         MVI   INCL,INCLALL              Default to include all

         CLI   FILEIND-FILEINFO(R1),X'00' Was the file opened ?

         BE    SMFP#020                    N:

         L     R2,FILEREC-FILEINFO(,R1)  Get the record address

         L     R3,FILEDCB-FILEINFO(,R1)  Get the SYSIN DCB Addr

SMFP#005 DS      0H

         LR    R0,R2                      Move record ADDR to R0

         GET   (3)                       Get a record

         CLC   0(08,R2),=C'JOBNAME='       Is it a mask ?

         BNE   SMFP#005                    N:

         CLI   08(R2),C' '                Is there a mask ?

         BE    SMFP#005                    N:

         XC    INCL,INCL                 Indicate mask present

         $STRGACQ A,LEN==A(MASKL),LOC=31 Acq stor for mask

         MVC   MASKNEXT-MASKDSCT(4,R1),MASKLIST Store next adr

         ST    R1,MASKLIST               Store anchor

         MVC   MASKNAME-MASKDSCT(8,R1),08(R2) Store Mask

         LA    R4,08(,R2)                 Bump past literal

         LA    R5,08(,R2)                 Bump past literal

         LA    R6,8                      length of jobname

SMFP#006 DS      0H

         CLI   0(R4),C' '                 is this char blank ?

         BE    SMFP#007                    Y:

         LA    R4,1(,R4)                 bump past this char

         BCT   R6,SMFP#006                 loop back

SMFP#007 DS      0H

         SR    R4,R5                     subtract start address

         LTR   R4,R4                     is it zero ?

         BZ    SMFP#005                    y: back to read

         ST    R4,MASKNAML-MASKDSCT(R1)  store length

         B     SMFP#005                    read next record

SMFP#010 DS      0H

SMFP#015 DS    0H

SMFP#020 DS    0H

         LA    R1,SMFIN                  process smf file

         M     R0,=A(FILESIZ)

         A     R1,FILEDATA

         CLI   FILEIND-FILEINFO(R1),X'00' is the file open ?

         BE    RETURN4                   n: go back

         L     R2,FILEREC-FILEINFO(,R1)  get the record address

         L     R3,FILEDCB-FILEINFO(,R1)  get the dcb address

SMFP#025 DS    0H

         LR    R0,R2                      store record address in R0

         GET   (3)                       get a record

         MVI   STEP,ISSTEP               indicate this is a step rec

         CLI   SMF30RTY-SMFRCD30(R2),X'1E' is this rec type 30 ?

         BNE   SMFP#025

         CLC   SMF30STP-SMFRCD30(2,R2),=H'04' is this a subtype 4 ?

         BL    SMFP#025

         CLC   SMF30STP-SMFRCD30(2,R2),=H'05' is this     asubtype 5 ?

         BH    SMFP#025

         CLC   SMF30STP-SMFRCD30(2,R2),=H'04'

         BE    SMFP#251

         MVI   STEP,ISJOB

SMFP#251 DS    0H

         LA    R1,SMF30DTE-SMFRCD30(R2)    get the end   date

         BAS   R14,CNVD#000                 convert date

         MVC   ENDDATE,WORKDATE+2        save date for later

         ICM   R1,15,SMF30TME-SMFRCD30(R2) get the end time

         BAS   R14,CNVT#000                 convert time

         MVC   ENDTIME,WORKTIME+2        save time for later

         CLC   SMF30IOF-SMFRCD30(4,R2),=F'0' Iden section present ?

         BE    SMFP#026

         CLC   SMF30ILN-SMFRCD30(2,R2),=H'0' Iden section present ?

         BE    SMFP#026

         CLC   SMF30ION-SMFRCD30(2,R2),=H'0' Iden section present ?

         BE    SMFP#026

         L     R4,SMF30IOF-SMFRCD30(R2)    map the iden section

         AR    R4,R2

         MVC   JOBNAME,SMF30JBN-SMF30ID(R4) get jobname

         CLI   INCL,INCLALL              is this include all ?

         BE    SMFP#254                  n:

         L     R5,MASKLIST               point to mask list

SMFP#253 DS    0H

         LTR   R5,R5                     is one present ?

         BZ    SMFP#025                   n: get another record

         BAS   R14,CHEK#000                 check the mask

         LTR   R15,R15                   check good ?

         BZ    SMFP#254                  y: process record

         L     R5,MASKNEXT-MASKDSCT(,R5) get next mask

         B     SMFP#253                  check again

SMFP#254 DS    0H

         MVC   JOBNUM,SMF30JNM-SMF30ID(R4) get the job number

         MVC   STEPNAME,SMF30STM-SMF30ID(R4) get the step name

         MVC   PROGRAM,SMF30PGM-SMF30ID(R4)    get the program name

         LA    R1,SMF30STD-SMF30ID(R4)     Get start date

         BAS   R14,CNVD#000                 Convert date

         MVC   STRTDTE,WORKDATE+2        Save for later

         ICM   R1,15,SMF30SIT-SMF30ID(R4) Get start time

         BAS   R14,CNVT#000                 Convert Time

         MVC   STRTTME,WORKTIME+2        Save time for later

SMFP#026 DS    0H

         BAS   R14,HEDR#000                 Build healder info

         BAS   R14,SUDT#000                 Build SU details

         BAS   R14,TMDT#000                 Build Time details

         BAS   R14,STDT#000                 Build Storage details

         B     SMFP#025                   Get next record

SMFP#030 DS    0H

SMFP#035 DS    0H

SMFP#040 DS    0H

         B     RETURN0


         LA    R5,0                       Process OK. RC=0

         B     RETURN


         LA    R5,4                      Process not OK. RC=4


         BAS   R14,CLOS#000                 Close all files.

         LR    R1,R13                    Save current dyn area

         L     R13,4(,R13)               Restore old dyn area

         $STRGREL R,ADDR=1               Release curr dyn area

         L     R14,12(,R13)              Restore R14

         LR    R15,R5                    R15->RC

         LM    R0,R12,20(R13)              Restore other regs

         BSM   0,R14                      goback

*        Check if the pattern mask matches the jobname

CHEK#000 BAKR  R14,0

         LA    R2,MASKNAME-MASKDSCT(R5)  Get address of Mask

         LA    R3,MASKNAML-MASKDSCT(R5)  Point to length of mask

         LA    R4,JOBNAME                Point to current jobname

         ASAXWC    PATTERNSTR=(2),                                     -

               PATTERNSTRLEN=(3),                                      -

               STRING=(4),                                             -

               STRINGLEN==A(8),                                        -

               ZEROORMORE=Z,                                           -

               ONECHAR=O,                                              -

               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        -

               WORKAREA=WORKAREA,                                      -


         L     R15,RETCODE               RC=0, match, else nomatch

CHEK#999 PR                              Go back to caller

*        Open all files.

OPEN#000 BAKR     R14,0

         SLR   R0,R0                       Initialize R0

         LA    R1,FILESIZ                Get the size of 1 file rec

         LA    R3,DDINFOS                Get no. of DDs

         MR    R0,R3                      Get size required

         LR    R0,R1

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=31          Acq Dyn Stor

         ST    R1,FILEDATA               Store returned addr

         SLR   R2,R2

         LA    R3,DDINFO                 Point to DDINFO

         LR    R4,R1

         LA    R5,DDINFOS                Get no. of DDs


OPEN#005 DS      0H

         LA    R0,MODOPENL                Get length of OPEN MODEL

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=31          ACQ dyn area

         ST    R1,FILEOPEN               Store returned addr


         LA    R0,MODCLOSL                Get Length of CLOSE MODEL

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=31          ACQ dyn area

         ST    R1,FILECLOS               Store returned addr

         MVC   0(MODCLOSL,R1),MODCLOS     Move close model

         LA    R0,MODDCBEL                Get length of DCBE model

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=31          ACQ dyn area

         ST    R1,FILEDCBE               Store returned addr

         MVC   0(MODDCBEL,R1),MODDCBE     Move DCBE model

         USING DCBE,R1

         MVC   DCBEEODA,16(R3)           Save EOD address

         MVC   DCBESYNA,20(R3)            Save SYNAD address

         DROP  R1

         CLI   8(R3),C'I'                Is this open for Input

         BNE   OPEN#010                    y:

         LA    R0,MODDCBIL                Get input DCB length

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=24          ACQ dyn area

         ST    R1,FILEDCB                Store returned addr

         MVC   0(MODDCBIL,R1),MODDCBI     Move input DCB model

         B     OPEN#015

OPEN#010 DS      0H

         LA    R0,MODDCBOL                Get length of output DCB

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=24          ACQ dyn area

         ST    R1,FILEDCB                Store returned addr

         MVC   0(MODDCBOL,R1),MODDCBO     Move output DCB model

OPEN#015 DS     0H

         USING IHADCB,R1

         MVC   DCBDDNAM,0(R3)             Move DD name

         MVC   DCBDCBE,FILEDCBE          Move DCBE address

         DROP  R1

         L     R0,12(,R3)                 Move length of record

         $STRGACQ R,LEN=0,LOC=31          ACQ dyn area

         ST    R1,FILEREC                Store returned addr

         MVC   FILERECL,12(R3)           save lrecl

         XC    FILEIND,FILEIND           initialize indicator

         MVC   FILEHEDR,24(R3)           move header address

         L     R6,FILEDCB                point to file dcb

         L     R7,FILEOPEN               point to open area

         CLI   8(R3),C'I'                is this open for input ?

         BNE   OPEN#020                    n:

         OPEN  ((6),INPUT),MF=(E,(7)),MODE=31 open file

         B     OPEN#025

OPEN#020 DS    0H

         OPEN  ((6),OUTPUT),MF=(E,(7)),MODE=31 open file

OPEN#025 DS    0H

         LTR   R15,R15                   Open success ?

         BZ    OPEN#035                   Y:

         CLI   9(R3),C'M'                Was this a mandatory file ?

         BNE   OPEN#040                    n:

         LA    R2,4                      indicate RC=4

         B     OPEN#040

OPEN#035 DS    0H

         MVI   FILEIND,X'01'              Indicate file open

         CLI   8(R3),C'I'                Was this input ?

         BE    OPEN#040                    y:

         LR    R1,R4                     point to offset

         BAS   R14,HDRW#000              Write header record

OPEN#040 DS    0H

         LA    R3,DDINFOL(,R3)           Bump to next dd

         LA    R4,FILESIZ(,R4)           Bump to next file

         BCT   R5,OPEN#005               open them

         LR    R15,R2                    R15->RC


         DROP  R4

* Write header records to output file

HDRW#000 BAKR  R14,0

         LR    R4,R1                     Point to offset

         L     R0,FILEREC-FILEINFO(R4)    Get record addr

         L     R3,FILEDCB-FILEINFO(R4)   Get DCB addr

         L     R1,FILERECL-FILEINFO(R4)  Get record length

         L     R14,FILEHEDR-FILEINFO(R4) Get header rec addr

         LR    R15,R1                    length in R15

         ICM   R15,B'1000',BLANK            Default to ' '

         LTR   R14,R14                   Is header present ?

         BZ    HDRW#999                  n: bail out

         MVCL  R0,R14                     Move record to output

         L     R0,FILEREC-FILEINFO(R4)    point to record addr

         PUT   (3)                       WRite output

HDRW#999 PR                              goback

* Close all files.

CLOS#000 BAKR  R14,0

         L     R2,FILEDATA               Point to file information.

         LA    R3,DDINFOS                Get number of DDs


CLOS#005 DS      0H

         L     R6,FILEDCB                Get DCB addr

         L     R7,FILECLOS               Get close area

         CLI   FILEIND,X'00'               Is this file open ?

         BE    CLOS#010                    n:

         CLOSE ((6)),MF=(E,(7)),MODE=31  Close file

CLOS#010 DS      0H

         L     R1,FILEOPEN               Point to open area

         $STRGREL R,ADDR=1               Release storage

         L     R1,FILECLOS               Point to close area

         $STRGREL R,ADDR=1               Release storage

         L     R1,FILEDCB                Point to dcb area

         $STRGREL R,ADDR=1               Release storage

         L     R1,FILEDCBE               Point to dcbe area

         $STRGREL R,ADDR=1               Release storage

         L     R1,FILEREC                Point to rec  area

         $STRGREL R,ADDR=1               Release storage

         MVI   FILEIND,X'00'               Indicate file closed

         LA    R2,FILESIZ(,R2)           Bump to next

         BCT   R3,CLOS#005                 Close them

CLOS#999 PR                              go back

         DROP  R2

PRTF#000 BAKR     R14,0                      Write output to files

         M R0,=A(FILESIZ)             R1 points to offset

         A     R1,FILEDATA               add start offset

         CLI   FILEIND-FILEINFO(R1),X'00' is this file open ?

         BE    PRTF#999                  n: goback

         L     R2,FILEREC-FILEINFO(R1)   Point to record addr

         L     R3,FILEDCB-FILEINFO(R1)   Point to DCB

         L     R4,FILERECL-FILEINFO(R1)  Get record length

         LR    R0,R2

         LR    R1,R4

         LA    R14,PRTLINE               Point to PRTLINE

         LA    R15,L'PRTLINE             Get PRTLINE address

         ICM   R15,B'1000',BLANK            Default to ' '

         MVCL  R0,R14                     Move record to output

         LR    R0,R2                      R0-> record

         PUT   (3)                       Put to record to file/.

PRTF#999 PR                              goback

HEDR#000 BAKR     R14,0                  write header part of record

         MVC   PRTLINE(L'BLANK),BLANK    initialize prtline


         LA    R1,PRTLINE                point to prtline

         USING HEDR,R1                   let assembler know

         MVC   HEDRJNME,JOBNAME          move jobname

         MVC   HEDRJNUM,JOBNUM           move jobnumber

         MVC   HEDRSTDT,STRTDTE          move start date

         MVC   HEDRSTTM,STRTTME          move start time

         MVC   HEDRENDT,ENDDATE          move end date

         MVC   HEDRENTM,ENDTIME          move end time

         CLI   STEP,ISJOB                is this step info ?

         BE    HEDR#999                  n: goback

         MVC   HEDRSTNM,STEPNAME         move stepname

         MVC   HEDRPGNM,PROGRAM          move program name

HEDR#999 PR                              goback

SUDT#000 BAKR     R14,0                      write SU details

         BAS   R14,HEDR#000                 write header part of rec

         USING SMFRCD30,R2                let assembler know

         CLC   SMF30POF,=F'0'              is there info ?

         BE    SUDT#999                  n: goback

         CLC   SMF30PLN,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    SUDT#999                  n: goback

         CLC   SMF30PON,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    SUDT#999                  n: goback

         A R2,SMF30POF                Add offset to section.

         USING SMF30PRF,R2                Let assembler know

         LA    R1,PRTLINE                Point to prtline

         CLI   STEP,ISJOB                is this jobinformation ?

         BE    SUDT#005                    y:

         LA    R1,HEDRSTEP(,R1)          Bump step header info

         LA    R3,STEPSU                 indicate stepsu

         B     SUDT#010

SUDT#005 DS    0H

         LA    R1,HEDRJOB(,R1)           Bump past job header info

         LA    R3,JOBSU                  indicate jobsu

SUDT#010 DS    0H

         USING SUDSECT,R1                Let assembler know

         MVC   SUTOT,EDMASKN             Move mask to su totals

         MVC   SUCPU,EDMASKN             Move mask to su cpu

         MVC   SUSRB,EDMASKN             Move mask to su srb

         MVC   SUIO,EDMASKN              Move mask to su io

         ICM   R14,15,SMF30SRV            get total su

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 conver to decimal

         ED    SUTOT,DWORD+3             edit to su totals

         ICM   R14,15,SMF30CSU            get cpu   su

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 conver to decimal

         ED    SUCPU,DWORD+3             edit to su cpu

         ICM   R14,15,SMF30SRB            get srb   su

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 conver to decimal

         ED    SUSRB,DWORD+3             edit to su srb

         ICM   R14,15,SMF30IO             get io    su

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 conver to decimal

         ED    SUIO,DWORD+3              edit to su io

         CLI   STEP,ISSTEP               is this step info ?

         BE    SUDT#015                   y: goback

         MVC   SUWLM,SMF30WLM             move wlm class

         MVC   SUSRVNM,SMF30SCN           move wlm service name

         MVC   JOBWLMC,SMF30WLM           move wlm class

         MVC   JOBWLMS,SMF30SCN           move wlm service name

SUDT#015 DS     0H

         LR    R1,R3                     point to dd offset

         BAS   R14,PRTF#000                 write this record

SUDT#999 PR                              goback

         DROP  R1,R2

TMDT#000 BAKR     R14,0                      write TIME details

         BAS   R14,HEDR#000                 write header part of rec

         USING SMFRCD30,R2                let assembler know

         CLC   SMF30COF,=F'0'              is there info ?

         BE    TMDT#999                  n: goback

         CLC   SMF30CLN,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    TMDT#999                  n: goback

         CLC   SMF30CON,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    TMDT#999                  n: goback

         ZAP   DEXCP,=P'0'                Initialize excp count

         CLC   SMF30UOF,=F'0'              is there info ?

         BE    TMDT#003                    n: goback

         CLC   SMF30ULN,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    TMDT#003                    n: goback

         CLC   SMF30UON,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    TMDT#003                    n: goback

         LR    R3,R2

         A     R3,SMF30UOF

         L     R1,SMF30TEP-SMF30URA(,R3) Get excp count

         CVD   R1,DEXCP                  Convert to decimal

TMDT#003 DS    0H

         A R2,SMF30COF                Add offset

         USING SMF30CAS,R2                Let assembler know

         LA    R4,PRTLINE                Point to prtline

         CLI   STEP,ISJOB                is this jobinformation ?

         BE    TMDT#005                    y:

         LA    R4,HEDRSTEP(,R4)          bump past step header

         LA    R3,STEPTIME               indicate steptime dd

         B     TMDT#010

TMDT#005 DS    0H

         LA    R4,HEDRJOB(,R4)           bump past job header

         LA    R3,JOBTIME                indicate jobtime

TMDT#010 DS    0H

         USING TIMEDSCT,R4               let assembler know

         MVC   TIMEEXCP,EDMASKN          move edit mask to excp

         ICM   R1,15,SMF30CPT             Get tcb cpu time

         BAS   R14,CNVT#000                 convert time

         MVC   TIMECPU,WORKTIME+2        write cpu time to output

         ICM   R1,15,SMF30CPS             Get tcb srb time

         BAS   R14,CNVT#000                 convert time

         MVC   TIMESRB,WORKTIME+2        write srb time to output

         ED    TIMEEXCP,DEXCP+3          Edit excps

         CLI   STEP,ISSTEP               Is this step info ?

         BE    TMDT#015



TMDT#015 DS   0H

         LR    R1,R3                     point to dd offset

         BAS   R14,PRTF#000                 write this record

TMDT#999 PR                              goback

         DROP  R4,R2

STDT#000 BAKR     R14,0                      write storage details

         BAS   R14,HEDR#000                 write header part of output

         USING SMFRCD30,R2                let assembler know

         CLC   SMF30ROF,=F'0'              is there info ?

         BE    STDT#999                  n: goback

         CLC   SMF30RLN,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    STDT#999                  n: goback

         CLC   SMF30RON,=H'0'              is there info ?

         BE    STDT#999                  n: goback

         A     R2,SMF30ROF                Add offset

         USING SMF30SAP,R2                Let assembler know

         LA    R4,PRTLINE                point to prtline

         CLI   STEP,ISJOB                is this job info ?

         BE    STDT#999                  y:goback

         LA    R4,HEDRSTEP(,R4)          bump step header info

         LA    R3,STEPSTOR               indicate stepstor

         USING STORDSCT,R4               let assembler know

         MVC   STORUB16,EDMASKN          Move edit mask to UStor<16M

         MVC   STORUA16,EDMASKN          Move edit mask to UStor>16M

         MVC   STORSB16,EDMASKN          Move edit mask to SStor<16M

         MVC   STORSA16,EDMASKN          Move edit mask to SStor>16M

         ICM   R14,B'1111',SMF30URB       Get Ustor<16M

         SRL   R14,10                     Convert to KB

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 Convert to decimal

         ED    STORUB16,DWORD+3          Edit to output area

         ICM   R14,B'1111',SMF30EUR       Get Ustor>16M

         SRL   R14,10                     Convert to KB

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 Convert to decimal

         ED    STORUA16,DWORD+3          Edit to output area

         ICM   R14,B'1111',SMF30ARB       Get Sstor<16M

         SRL   R14,10                     Convert to KB

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 Convert to decimal

         ED    STORSB16,DWORD+3          Edit to output area

         ICM   R14,B'1111',SMF30EAR       Get Sstor>16M

         SRL   R14,10                     Convert to KB

         CVD   R14,DWORD                 Convert to decimal

         ED    STORSA16,DWORD+3          Edit to output area

         LR    R1,R3                     Point to dd offset

         BAS   R14,PRTF#000                 write this output rec

STDT#999 PR                              goback

         DROP  R4,R2

CNVT#000 BAKR  R14,0                      Convert time to HH:MM:SS

         SLR   R0,R0                       R1-> time in 100th of sec

         D     R0,=F'360000'                  Get hours

         CVD   R1,DWORD                  Convert to decimal

         SRP   DWORD,4,0                  000000000HH0000C

         ZAP   WTIME,DWORD               Save it for later

         LR    R1,R0                      Get reminder

         SLR   R0,R0

         D     R0,=F'6000'                   Get minutes

         CVD   R1,DWORD                  Convert to decimal

         SRP   DWORD,2,0                  00000000000MM00C

         AP    WTIME,DWORD               Add to saved time

         LR    R1,R0                      Get reminder

         SLR   R0,R0

         D     R0,=F'100'                   Get seconds

         CVD   R1,DWORD                  Convert to decimal

         AP    WTIME,DWORD               Add to saved time

         MVC   WORKTIME,EDMASKT          Move edit mask for time

         ED    WORKTIME,WTIME+4          edit time

CNVT#999 PR                              goback

*        Convert date from 0nYYDDDF to CCYY-MM-DD format

CNVD#000 BAKR  R14,0

         ZAP   DWORD,0(4,R1)              R1 points to input date

         OI    DWORD+L'DWORD-1,X'0F'      Make pack!

         AP    DWORD,=P'1900000'              Add 1900000

         ZAP   WDATE,DWORD               Save for later

         SRP   DWORD,64-3,0               Remove days

         CVB   R1,DWORD                  Convert to binary

         SLR   R0,R0

         D     R0,=F'4'                   Divide by 4

         C     R0,=F'0'                    Any reminder ?

         BE    CNVD#005                    y: is leap year

         L     R1,=A(NLEAPYR)            not a leap year

         B     CNVD#010

CNVD#005 DS    0H

         L     R1,=A(LEAPYR)             is a leap year

CNVD#010 DS    0H

         ZAP   DWORD,WDATE               restore date

         SRP   WDATE,64-3,0               remove days

         SRP   WDATE,4,0                  0000000CCYY0000F

         SRP   DWORD,12,0                 DDD000000000000F

         SRP   DWORD,64-12,0              000000000000DDDF

         AP    WDATE,=P'100'               Indicate 1st month

CNVD#015 DS    0H

         CP    DWORD,0(2,R1)              is the days < table

         BNH   CNVD#020                    n:

         AP    WDATE,=P'100'               Add 1 month

         SP    DWORD,0(2,R1)              Subtract date in month

         LA    R1,2(,R1)                 Bump to next table entry

         B     CNVD#015                   loop back

CNVD#020 DS    0H

         AP    WDATE,DWORD               Add date

         MVC   WORKDATE,EDMASKD          Move mask for date

         ED    WORKDATE,WDATE+3          Edit date

CNVD#999 PR                              goback

*        Literals

Z        DC    CL1'*'                    zero or more char

O        DC    CL1'?'                    exactly 1 char

LEAPYR   DC    P'31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,30,31' leap table

NLEAPYR  DC    P'31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,30,31'

EDMASKN  DC    X'40202020202020202120'            Edit mask for number

EDMASKT  DC    X'402120207A20207A2020'          Edit mask for time

EDMASKD  DC    X'402120202020602020602020' Edit mask for date

BLANK    DC    C'        '               Blanks

         DS    0F                         DD table

DDINFO   DC    C'SYSIN   ',C'I',C'O',A(80),A(SMFP#010),A(SMFP#015)

         DC    A(0)

SYSIN    EQU   0


         DC    C'SMFIN   ',C'I',C'M',A(60000),A(SMFP#030),A(SMFP#035)

         DC    A(0)

SMFIN    EQU   1

         DC    C'STEPSU  ',C'O',C'O',A(133),A(0),A(0)

         DC    A(SUSHDR)


         DC    C'JOBSU   ',C'O',C'O',A(133),A(0),A(0)

         DC    A(SUJHDR)

JOBSU    EQU   3

         DC    C'STEPTIME',C'O',C'O',A(133),A(0),A(0)

         DC    A(TMSHDR)


         DC    C'JOBTIME ',C'O',C'O',A(133),A(0),A(0)

         DC    A(TMJHDR)


         DC    C'STEPSTOR',C'O',C'O',A(133),A(0),A(0)

         DC    A(STSHDR)



         DC    X'FFFFFFFF'







MODOPEN  OPEN  (,),MF=L,MODE=31               Model OPEN


MODCLOS  CLOSE (,),MF=L,MODE=31               Model CLOSE





SUSHDR   DS    0F                     Header information

         DC    C' JobName  JobNum   Start Date St Time  End D'

         DC    C'ate   End Time StepName Program    Total SU '

         DC    C'    CPU SU     SRB SU      IO SU             '


         DC    C' JobName  JobNum   Start Date St Time  End D'

         DC    C'ate   End Time   Total SU     CPU SU     SRB'

         DC    C' SU      IO SU WLM Cls  Serv Name            '


         DC    C' JobName  JobNum   Start Date St Time  End D'

         DC    C'ate   End Time StepName Program  TCB CPU  SR'

         DC    C'B CPU        EXCP                            '


         DC    C' JobName  JobNum   Start Date St Time  End D'

         DC    C'ate   End Time TCB CPU  SRB CPU        EXCP '

         DC    C'WLM Cls  Serv Name                           '


         DC    C' JobName  JobNum   Start Date St Time  End D'

         DC    C'ate   End Time StepName Program    USR<16(K)'

         DC    C'  USR>16(K) SYS<16(K)  SYS>16(K)             '

$DYN     DSECT                       Dynamic area

SAVEAREA DS    18F                   Save area

FILEDATA DS    F                     Pointer to file information

MASKLIST DS    F                     Pointer to mask list

RETCODE  DS    F                     Return code

DWORD    DS    D                     work

DEXCP    DS    D                     work excp count

WDATE    DS    D                     work date

WTIME    DS    D                     work time

WORKTIME DS    CL(L'EDMASKT)         work area

WORKDATE DS    CL(L'EDMASKD)         work area

JOBWLMC  DS    CL08                   wlm class

JOBWLMS  DS    CL08                   wlm serice name

STRTDTE  DS    CL10                   Start date

ENDDATE  DS    CL10                   End  date

STRTTME  DS    CL08                   Start Time

ENDTIME  DS    CL08                   End time

JOBNAME  DS    CL08                   Jobname

JOBNUM   DS    CL08                   Job Number

STEPNAME DS    CL08                   Step Name

PROGRAM  DS    CL08                   Program name

STEP     DS    X                     Step indicator

ISSTEP   EQU   X'00'                   ...Is step information

ISJOB    EQU   X'01'                  ...Is job information

INCL     DS    X                     Include indicator

INCLALL  EQU   X'01'                  ...Include all

PRTLINE  DS    CL133                 Print line

         ASAXWC    MF=(L,MYLIST)

WORKAREA DS     CL256                WorkArea

$DYNL    EQU   *-$DYN                Length of Dyn area

FILEINFO DSECT                       DSECT for file area

FILEOPEN DS    F                     Open area addr

FILECLOS DS    F                     Close area addr

FILEDCB  DS    F                     DCB addr

FILEDCBE DS    F                     DCBE addr

FILEREC  DS    F                     rec addr

FILERECL DS    F                     rec length

FILEHEDR DS    F                     header addr

FILEIND  DS    X                     indicator

         DS    CL3                   filler

FILESIZ  EQU   *-FILEINFO            length of file area

HEDR     DSECT                       Heeader information for rec

         DS    CL1

HEDRJNME DS    CL8                   Jobname

         DS    CL1

HEDRJNUM DS    CL8                   Jobnumber

         DS    CL1

HEDRSTDT DS    CL10                   Start date

         DS    CL1

HEDRSTTM DS    CL08                   Start Time

         DS    CL1

HEDRENDT DS    CL10                   End date

         DS    CL1

HEDRENTM DS    CL08                   End time

         DS    CL1

HEDRJOB  EQU   *-HEDR                Length of job header

HEDRSTNM DS    CL08                   Step Name

         DS    CL1

HEDRPGNM DS    CL08                   Program Name

         DS    CL1

HEDRSTEP EQU   *-HEDR                Length of Step Header

HEDRL    EQU   *-HEDR                Total length of header

SUDSECT  DSECT                       Dsect for SU details

SUTOT    DS    CL10                   Total SU units

         DS    CL1

SUCPU    DS    CL10                   CPU SU units

         DS    CL1

SUSRB    DS    CL10                   SRB SU units

         DS    CL1

SUIO     DS    CL10                   IO su units

         DS    CL1

SUWLM    DS    CL08                   WLM class name

         DS    CL1

SUSRVNM  DS    CL08                   WLM serv class

SUL      EQU   *-SUDSECT             Length

TIMEDSCT DSECT                       Dsect for TIME details

TIMECPU  DS    CL08                   TCB CPU time

         DS    CL1

TIMESRB  DS    CL08                   TCP SRB time

         DS    CL1

TIMEEXCP DS    CL10                   Total EXCP

         DS    CL1

TIMEWLM  DS    CL08                   WLM class name

         DS    CL1

TIMESRVN DS    CL08                   WLM serv class

TIMEL    EQU   *-TIMEDSCT            Length

STORDSCT DSECT                       Dsect for Storage section

STORUB16 DS    CL10                   User stor < 16M

         DS    CL1

STORUA16 DS    CL10                   User stor > 16M

         DS    CL1

STORSB16 DS    CL10                   Sys stor < 16M

         DS    CL1

STORSA16 DS    CL10                   Sys Stor > 16M

STORL    EQU   *-STORDSCT            Length

MASKDSCT DSECT                       Dsect for Mask details

MASKNEXT DS    F                     Ptr to Next mask info elem

MASKNAML DS    F                     Length of Mask

MASKNAME DS    CL8                   Name of Mask

MASKL    EQU   *-MASKDSCT            Length



         IFASMFR 30

         END   SMF30PG