Saturday, November 17, 2012

File-Aid: Allocating a VSAM Cluster

Chapter 3. Allocating a VSAM Cluster

File-AID has a utility for managing VSAM datasets and IAM datasets. The features of this utility include:
  • Allocating clusters (KSDS, ESDS, RRDS, and LINEAR)
  • Allocating alternate indexes
  • Building alternate indexes
  • Deleting objects
  • Renaming objects
  • Displaying detailed information
  • Modifying cluster attributes
  • Generating IDCAMS control statements
  • Redefining (Delete/Define) clusters
  • Allocating and deleting dataspaces
  • Allocating IAM datasets.

3.1 Accessing the VSAM Utility (Option 3.5)

The VSAM utility is located on the File-AID Extended Utilities menu (option 3) as utility number 5.
  1. From the File-AID Primary Option Menu (not shown here), select option 3.5.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the VSAM Utility screen as illustrated in Figure 3-1.

3.2 Choosing a VSAM Utility Option

The VSAM utility screen (Figure 3-1) is where you specify which VSAM option you want to perform and the necessary background information needed to process the request. The selected option is typed in the OPTION field near the top of the screen. Options for processing include:
  • A - Allocate VSAM or IAM file
  • D - Delete any dataset
  • DR - Delete/Define any VSAM dataset
  • X - Allocate alternate index
  • P - Allocate path
  • B - Build index
  • R - Rename clusters
  • M - Modify cluster attributes
  • blank - Display information on any dataset
Figure 3-1. VSAM Utility Screen - Choose an Option
|  File-AID ---------------------  VSAM Utility  --------------------------------|
|  OPTION ===>                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
|     A     - Allocate cluster                   D  - Delete                     |
|     S     - Allocate dataspace                 DR - Delete/Define              |
|     X     - Allocate alternate index           T  - Delete dataspace           |
|     B     - Build alternate index              P  - Allocate path              |
|     BLANK - Display dataset information        R  - Rename component           |
|                                                M  - Modify component           |
|  Specify Dataset Information:                                                  |
|     Dataset name           ===> FASAMP.EMPMAST                                 |
|     Volume serial          ===>          (Required for options S & T)          |
|                                                                                |
|  Process Online or Batch   ===> O        (O = Online; B = Batch)               |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Model Dataset Information:                                            |
|     Dataset name           ===>                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Catalog to use if other than Default System Catalog:                  |
|     Catalog name           ===>                                                |
|     Catalog password       ===>          (If catalog is password protected)    |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|     For dataset allocations only, the optional model dataset is used to        |
|     prefill the allocation information on the allocation panel.                |

3.3 Using an Existing Dataset's Allocation Attributes

Processing information you supply includes:
  • Name of the dataset to act on
  • How to process the option (online or batch)
  • Name of a dataset to use as a model for allocation attributes (optional)
If you want to model a new VSAM cluster after a specific existing dataset, you can enter the name of the existing dataset in the Model Dataset Information area. You may use a pattern in the name field to get a list of matching dataset names to select from (for example, FASAMP.*). File-AID copies the allocation attributes of the existing dataset to the new dataset. The existing dataset must be cataloged and accessible through a normal catalog search. Any type of dataset can be used as a model including sequential files. If you do not select a dataset as a model, File-AID uses allocation attributes of the most recently allocated or displayed dataset to define a new cluster.

3.4 Allocating a Cluster

The Allocate cluster option (A) lets you allocate new VSAM clusters and IAM datasets online or in batch. All VSAM dataset types (KSDS, ESDS, RRDS, and LINEAR) are supported.
Figure 3-2. VSAM Utility Screen
|  File-AID ---------------------  VSAM Utility  --------------------------------|
|  OPTION ===> A                                                                 |
|                                                                                |
|     A     - Allocate cluster                   D  - Delete                     |
|     S     - Allocate dataspace                 DR - Delete/Define              |
|     X     - Allocate alternate index           T  - Delete dataspace           |
|     B     - Build alternate index              P  - Allocate path              |
|     BLANK - Display dataset information        R  - Rename component           |
|                                                M  - Modify component           |
|  Specify Dataset Information:                                                  |
|     Dataset name           ===> FASAMP.EMPLOYE1                                |
|     Volume serial          ===>          (Required for options S & T)          |
|                                                                                |
|  Process Online or Batch   ===> B        (O = Online; B = Batch)               |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Model Dataset Information:                                            |
|     Dataset name           ===> FASAMP.EMPLOYEE                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Catalog to use if other than Default System Catalog:                  |
|     Catalog name           ===>                                                |
|     Catalog password       ===>          (If catalog is password protected)    |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
|     For dataset allocations only, the optional model dataset is used to        |
|     prefill the allocation information on the allocation panel.                |

  1. Type an A in the OPTION field.
  2. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 in the Dataset name field under the Specify Dataset Information section.
  3. Type a B in the Process Online or Batch field to request batch processing which generates IDCAMS control statements.
  4. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYEE in the Dataset name field under the Specify Model Dataset Information section.
  5. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Allocate New VSAM Cluster screen as illustrated in Figure 3-3.

3.5 Verifying Allocation Parameters

You can type over any of the fields to customize your cluster attributes. A second screen of attributes is available by specifying a value of YES in the "Extended allocate" field located at the bottom of the screen.
Figure 3-3. Allocate New VSAM Cluster Screen
|  File-AID ---------------  Allocate New VSAM Cluster  -------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|  Component names:                                                              |
|  Cluster:                 'USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1'                            |
|  Data component      ===> 'USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1.DATA'                       |
|  Index component     ===> 'USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1.INDEX'                      |
|  Dataset type        ===> KSDS       (KSDS; ESDS; RRDS; LINEAR)                |
|  Owner ID            ===> USERID9                                              |
|                                                                                |
|  Space Allocation:  DATA Component   KSDS INDEX Component (Blank for default)  |
|  Generic unit        ===>            ===>           (Generic group name or unit|
|  Volume serial       ===> PRD928     ===> PRD902                               |
|  Units               ===> TRKS       ===> TRKS      (TRKs; CYLs; RECs; K; M)   |
|  Primary             ===> 1          ===> 1         (Amount in above units)    |
|  Secondary           ===> 1          ===> 1         (Amount in above units)    |
|  Reuseable           ===> YES        (Y = Yes; N = No)                         |
|  Key length          ===> 5          (1 - 255 - Required for KSDS only)        |
|  Key position        ===> 0          (0 - maximum record - KSDS only)          |
|  Average Recordsize  ===> 198        (Not allowed for LINEAR)                  |
|  Maximum Recordsize  ===> 198        (Not allowed for LINEAR)                  |
|  Expiration date     ===>            (YYYY/MM/DD or blank)                     |
|  Type                ===> UNIQUE     (U = Unique; S = Sub-allocate)            |
|  Extended allocate   ===> YES        (Y = Yes; N = No)                         |
|                                                                                |

  1. Verify that the value in the "Extended allocate" field is YES. If it is not, type YES in the field.
  2. Press <Enter>. Since you specified a value of YES in the Extended allocate field, File-AID displays an additional allocation attributes screen as shown in Figure 3-4. Note: The value displayed in the Volume serial field will not be the same value shown in this example. The value you see is unique to your installation and is the same as the model dataset (FASAMP.EMPLOYEE).
More About VSAM Allocation
  • Use an OWNER ID of $IAM to identify the dataset as an IAM dataset.
  • For variable length records, "Maximum Recordsize" must be larger than "Average Recordsize" but not larger than the "Data C/I size".

3.6 Specifying Extended Allocation Parameters

The second allocation screen contains additional attributes for defining a VSAM cluster that you may want to specify to customize your cluster attributes.
  1. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the JCL Specification screen as illustrated in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-4. Allocate VSAM Cluster Screen (continued)
|  File-AID ------------  Allocate VSAM Cluster (continued)  --------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Control Interval - percent free ===> 0       Data C/I size  ===> 2048         |
|  Control Area     - percent free ===> 0       Index C/I size ===> 2048         |
|                                               Buffer space   ===> 6144         |
|  Specify Allocation options:                                                   |
|     Region share option          ===> 3       (1; 2; 3; 4)                     |
|     System share option          ===> 3       (3; 4)                           |
|     Write check                  ===> NO      (Y = Yes; N = No)                |
|     Erase on delete              ===> NO      (Y = Yes; N = No)                |
|     Imbedded index               ===> NO      (Y = Yes; N = No)                |
|     Replicated index             ===> NO      (Y = Yes; N = No)                |
|     Load option                  ===> RECOV   (S = Speed; R = Recovery)        |
|     Spanned records              ===> NO      (Y = Yes; N = No)                |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Mass Storage Options:                                                 |
|     Stage option   ===> STAGE    (S = Stage; B = Bind; C = Cylinder fault)     |
|     Destage wait   ===> NO       (Y = Yes; N = No)                             |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Passwords: (Fill in or leave blank for no password protection)        |
|     Master         ===>          Control  ===>                                 |
|     Update         ===>          Read     ===>                                 |
|     Code           ===>          Attempts ===> 0                               |

More About Allocate New VSAM Cluster
  • If the Data C/I size, Index C/I size, or Buffer space fields contain a value of zero or blanks, File-AID automatically calculates the optimum size for each one.
  • If you perform the allocation request online, File-AID processes the request immediately and redisplays the VSAM utility screen with a message:
  • If any errors occur, issue the HELP command (PF1) once to see a long message describing the error and twice to access the File-AID tutorial describing the return code. If errors occur during IDCAMS invocation, File-AID displays an IDCAMS error screen when you issue the VIEW command.

3.7 Generating the Batch JCL Information

Use the JCL Specification screen to specify the JCL information for batch processing. As illustrated in this step, enter the JCL primary command to generate and display the JCL before you submit it for processing.
  1. Type JCL in the COMMAND field.
  2. Type an asterisk (*) in the Sysout class field.
  3. If necessary, change information in the JOB statement information fields to represent a valid JOB statement for you at your site: Your JOB statement information stays set from function to function and session to session until you change it on any JCL Specification screen in File-AID.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID generates the JCL and displays it on the ISPF/EDIT screen as illustrated in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-5. JCL Specification Screen
|  File-AID ------------------  JCL Specification  ------------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===> JCL                                                              |
|                                                                                |
|  JCL Information for Batch Processing:                                         |
|                                                                                |
|   Sysout class    ===> *                                                       |
|                                                                                |
|  JOB Statement Information:                                                    |
|   ===> //useridA  JOB (ACCOUNT),'your name',                                   |
|   ===> //            CLASS=x,MSGCLASS=x,NOTIFY=userid                          |
|   ===>                                                                         |
|   ===>                                                                         |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Use JCL command to edit generated JCL                                         |
|  Use SUBMIT command to submit batch job                                        |
|  Use END to return to main  panel without submitting job                       |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

3.8 Executing the JCL

Use the SUBMIT primary command to submit the batch job. SUB is a valid abbreviation for the SUBMIT command.
  1. Type SUB in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID submits the JCL for background execution and redisplays the ISPF/EDIT screen. A message at the bottom of the display indicates that File-AID has successfully submitted the job.
  3. (optional) Use your site's job output display facilities to review the results of the VSAM allocation job.
Figure 3-6. VSAM Utility - EDIT Screen (SUBMIT Command)
|  EDIT ---- SYS94124.T141416.RA000.USERID9.R0043070 ------------ COLUMNS 001 072|
|  COMMAND ===> SUB                                              SCROLL ===> CSR |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 //USERID9A JOB (ACCOUNT),'your name',                                  |
|  000002 //            CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A,NOTIFY=USERID9                        |
|  000008 //JS10      EXEC  PGM=IDCAMS                                           |
|  000009 //SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                |
|  000010 //SYSIN  DD *                                                          |
|  000011     DEFINE CLUSTER -                                                   |
|  000012     (NAME(USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1) -                                   |
|  000013     BUFFERSPACE(6144) -                                                |
|  000014     INDEXED -                                                          |
|  000015     KEYS(5 0) -                                                        |
|  000016     OWNER(USERID9) -                                                   |
|  000017     RECORDSIZE(198 198) -                                              |
|  000018     REUSE -                                                            |
|  000019     SHAREOPTIONS(3 3) -                                                |
|  000020     STAGE) -                                                           |
|  000021     DATA(NAME(USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1.DATA) -                          |

3.9 Saving the JCL

Since you are in an Edit session, you can use the primary commands CREATE or REPLACE with the "C999" line command to save the JCL to a PDS of your choice.

3.10 Exit the VSAM Utility

Use the END command several times to exit the VSAM utility and return to the File-AID Primary Option Menu now.
  1. Enter the END command (press PF3) TWO OR THREE TIMES until the File-AID Primary Option Menu reappears.

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