Saturday, November 17, 2012

File-Aid: Editing a dataset

Chapter 4. Editing a dataset

File-AID enables you to edit a file created through any standard MVS access method (including IAM files). You can edit the entire dataset or a selected subset of records. You can supply record layouts and edit your data in three display modes:
  • Character
  • Formatted
  • Vertical formatted.

This chapter discusses several of the primary commands and line commands that you can use in the Edit function. Refer to the File-AID MVS Online Reference Manual (SPF and XE) for a complete list of the primary and line commands that are supported in the Edit function.
Character Mode
The character edit mode provides full-screen editing of the data. You can use line commands, similar to ISPF line commands, to move (M), copy (C), insert (I), delete (D), repeat (R), and exclude (X) records. From character mode, you can use the FMT primary command to redisplay the data in formatted mode or use the VFMT primary command to redisplay the data in vertical formatted mode.
Formatted Mode
The formatted edit mode lets you edit data using a record layout. This mode presents data one record at a time and formats each record field-by-field. Record layouts can be either COBOL (FD: 01 level) or PL/I (Declare). Cross references (XREFs) are used to define multiple record layouts for datasets with varying record types. From formatted mode, you can use the CHAR primary command to redisplay the data in character mode or use the VFMT primary command to redisplay the data in vertical formatted mode.
Vertical Formatted Mode
The vertical formatted edit mode also provides a full-screen view of the data. This mode, however, uses the record layout fields as column headers. From vertical formatted mode, you can use the CHAR primary command to redisplay the data in character mode or use the FMT primary command to redisplay the data in formatted mode.

4.1 Accessing the Edit Function (Option 2)

  1. To access the Edit function, enter a 2 in the OPTION field on the File-AID Primary Option Menu (not shown here).
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Edit - Dataset Specification screen as illustrated in Figure 4-1.

4.2 Specifying the Dataset to Edit

Use the Edit - Dataset Specification screen to define your edit request, which consists of:
  • Edit Mode
  • Edit Dataset
  • Audit trail usage
  • Record Layout and XREF Information
  • Selection Criteria Usage Information.

Figure 4-1. Edit - Dataset Specification Screen
|  File-AID ---------------  Edit - Dataset Specification  ----------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Edit Mode                   ===> C        (F=Formatted; C=Char; V=Vertical)   |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Edit Information:                                                     |
|     Edit dataset name        ===> FASAMP.EMPLOYE1                              |
|     Member name              ===>          (Blank or pattern for member list)  |
|     Volume serial            ===>          (If dataset is not cataloged)       |
|     Disposition              ===> OLD      (SHR or OLD)                        |
|     Create audit trail       ===> Y        (Y = Yes; N = No)                   |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:                                   |
|     Record layout usage      ===> S        (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None)    |
|     Record layout dataset    ===> FASAMP.LAYOUTS                               |
|     Member name              ===> EMPLOYEE (Blank or pattern for member list)  |
|     XREF dataset name        ===>                                              |
|     Member name              ===>          (Blank or pattern for member list)  |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Selection Criteria Information:     (E = Existing; T = Temporary;     |
|     Selection criteria usage ===> N           M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None) |
|     Selection criteria DSN   ===>                                              |
|     Member                   ===>            (Blank or pattern for member list)|
|                                                                                |
  1. Type a C in the Edit Mode field.
  2. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 in the Edit dataset name field. Note: If you did not create the new cluster FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 in Chapter 3. "Allocating a VSAM Cluster", use the dataset FASAMP.EMPLOYEE.
  3. Type OLD in the Disposition field. The value of OLD prevents other users from accessing the dataset while you are editing it.
  4. Type a Y in the Create audit trail field. File-AID lets you specify whether or not you want to create an audit trail dataset, which stores the before and after images of any changed, new, and deleted records. File-AID provides the opportunity for you to print the audit trail report at the end of the Edit session. For information on audit trail dataset allocation, naming conventions, and how to print the dataset, refer to File-AID MVS Online Reference Manual (SPF and XE).
  5. Type an S in the Record layout usage field. The S value tells File-AID to use a single record layout dataset to describe the edit dataset.
  6. Type FASAMP.LAYOUTS in the Record layout dataset field and EMPLOYEE in the Member name field.
  7. Type an N in the Selection criteria usage field.
  8. Press <Enter>. If you specified your new cluster, USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1, File-AID displays the Edit screen as shown in Figure 4-2. Note: If you did not create a new VSAM cluster, and specified dataset FASAMP.EMPLOYEE, skip the next few pages and resume with 4.4 , "Invoking Formatted Mode".

4.3 Copying Data Into a File With the COPY Command

If you did not create a new VSAM cluster, FASAMP.EMPLOYE1, in Chapter 3. "Allocating a VSAM Cluster", skip this step and resume with 4.4 , "Invoking Formatted Mode".
Since the dataset is empty you are shown a full screen of input lines just like ISPF. Use the COPY primary command to display the Edit COPY screen where you specify the source dataset.
  1. Type COPY in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Edit COPY screen as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-2. Character Edit - COPY Command
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 00071|
| COMMAND ===> COPY                                             SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************|
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
| ''''''                                                                         |
More About the COPY Command
  • Usually, when using the external file command COPY, you must specify a destination using the A (After) or B (Before) line commands. In this case, since the file is empty, no destination marker is needed.
  • If you know the name of the dataset you want to copy, you may specify the dataset name with the COPY command by using the following syntax: COPY datasetname. Pattern dataset names are permitted with the COPY command.
  • When copying records into a keyed file, the file being copied from must have records in key sequence.
  • For keyed files, the MERGE command is similar to the COPY command except records are automatically inserted in key sequence and no destination marker (A, B) is needed.

4.3.1 Specifying the "Copy From" Dataset

Use the Edit COPY screen to specify the name of the dataset from which you want to copy records for the new dataset.
Figure 4-3. Edit COPY Screen
| File-AID -----------------------  Edit COPY -----------------------------------|
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Current dataset: USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1                                       |
|                                                                                |
| Enter "FROM" dataset:                                                          |
|  Dataset name   ===> FASAMP.EMPLOYEE                                           |
|  Member         ===>              (Blank/pattern for member list)              |
|  Volume serial  ===>              (If not cataloged)                           |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Use ENTER to perform copy/merge                                                |
| Use END to cancel                                                              |
  1. Type FASAMP.EMPLOYEE in the Dataset name field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID executes the copy process, reads the records of your FASAMP.EMPLOYEE file into your current edit session, and displays the Edit screen as illustrated in Figure 4-4.
Result of COPY
Figure 4-4. Character Mode Edit - After COPY of FASAMP.EMPLOYEE
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 --------------------- DATASET COPIED |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************|
| ==NEW> 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         42789012|
| ==NEW> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          34657365|
| ==NEW> 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        27558717|
| ==NEW> 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         57631203|
| ==NEW> 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       98765432|
| ==NEW> 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         34155954|
| ==NEW> 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                46381345|
| ==NEW> 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    87956332|
| ==NEW> 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        78345833|
| ==NEW> 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   63276453|
| ==NEW> 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   34856799|

4.3.2 Removing Informational Flags from the Display

File-AID adds the newly copied records to the display and flags each new record with a ==NEW> marker. File-AID also displays the message DATASET COPIED in the upper right corner of the screen to indicate that the copy process was successful.
To clear the NEW flags from the display, use the RESET primary command.
Figure 4-5. Issue RESET Command to Clear Flags and Pending Commands
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 --------------------- DATASET COPIED |
| COMMAND ===> RESET                                            SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************|
| ==NEW> 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         42789012|
| ==NEW> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          34657365|
  1. Type RESET in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the Edit screen with the sequence number field column replacing the NEW flags as shown in Figure 4-6.
RESET result
Figure 4-6. After RESET Command - ==NEW> Markers Removed
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 00071|
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************|
| 000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         42789012|
| 000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          34657365|
| 000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        27558717|
| 000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         57631203|
| 000005 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       98765432|
| 000006 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         34155954|
| 000007 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                46381345|
| 000008 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    87956332|
| 000009 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        78345833|
| 000010 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   63276453|
| 000011 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   34856799|
| 000012 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             55778298|
| 000013 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        22536839|
| 000014 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    12345678|
| 000015 39310 BARNETT        EDWARD    E  SALESMAN                      54378914|
| 000016 39500 WILLIAMS       EDITH     A  DESIGNER                      98765432|
| 000017 41000 RICHARDSON     MARJORIE  M  PROGRAMMER ANALYST            34658365|
| 000018 41400 MOORE          THOMAS    M  SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR         22637364|
| 000019 42017 BENNETT        WILLIAM   D  SALES SUPPORT                 14657355|
| 000020 44018 WILHELM        HEINRICH  L  DIPLOMAT                      46657335|

4.3.3 Protecting Keys

Since this is a keyed file, all newly inserted records have the key field unprotected to let you enter a new key value. Once you have set new key values, you can use the P (Protect) line command to lock the key fields.
The P (Protect) line command sets key protection on for keyed records preventing the inadvertant overtyping of key values.
To protect all the new keys, use the P99 (Protect 99 lines) line command.
Figure 4-7. Protect New Keys - P99 Line Command
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                        |
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******                        |
| P99 01 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUF                        |
| 000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAM                        |
| 000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                                |
  1. Type P99 in the line command area for line 1.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the Edit screen with keys protected.
P99 result
After the P99 line command you can see that the keys (first five characters of each record) are highlighted and protected.
Figure 4-8. After P99 Line Command - Keys are Highlighted and Protected
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 00071|
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************|
| 000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         42789012|
| 000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          34657365|
| 000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        27558717|
| 000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         57631203|
| 000005 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       98765432|
| 000006 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         34155954|
| 000007 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                46381345|
| 000008 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    87956332|
| 000009 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        78345833|
| 000010 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   63276453|
| 000011 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   34856799|
| 000012 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             55778298|
| 000013 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        22536839|
| 000014 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    12345678|
| 000015 39310 BARNETT        EDWARD    E  SALESMAN                      54378914|
| 000016 39500 WILLIAMS       EDITH     A  DESIGNER                      98765432|
| 000017 41000 RICHARDSON     MARJORIE  M  PROGRAMMER ANALYST            34658365|
| 000018 41400 MOORE          THOMAS    M  SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR         22637364|
| 000019 42017 BENNETT        WILLIAM   D  SALES SUPPORT                 14657355|
| 000020 44018 WILHELM        HEINRICH  L  DIPLOMAT                      46657335|

4.4 Invoking Formatted Mode

To view each record alongside its layout, you invoke the formatted mode using the FMT line command.
The S (Select) line command is an alias for FMT. Another method is to use the FMT primary command.
Figure 4-9. Switch to Formatted Mode with FMT Line Command
| File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                        |
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
| ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******                        |
| FMT 01 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUF                        |
| 000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAM                        |
| 000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                                |
  1. Type FMT in line 1.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the record in the formatted display mode as illustrated in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10. Edit - Formatted Display Mode - Overtype Values to Change Data
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0010|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     1                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   00090                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   MARTIN                                 |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   EDWARD                                 |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN   M                                      |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER                  |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  427890125                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   101954                                 |
|    11 EMP-DOB-REDEF REDEFINES EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH                                |
|    11 EMP-DOB-REDEF SYNC         6/GRP                                         |
|      12 EMP-DOB-MM               2/NUM  10                                     |
|      13 EMP-DOB-DD               2/NUM  19                                     |
|      14 EMP-DOB-YY               2/NUM  54                                     |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   920101                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   M                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 30000}                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM -3000.00                               |

4.5 Controlling the Display of Redefines Fields

When the source language is COBOL, the REDEFINES ON/OFF command gives you control of the appearance of fields which redefine other fields. REDEFINES is a profile option and remains set from session to session until you change it.
To suppress the display of fields which redefine other fields, use the REDEFINES (REDEF) OFF command.
Figure 4-11. Suppress REDEFINES Fields - REDEF OFF
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> REDEF OFF                                                        |
|  RECORD:     1                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   00090                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   MARTIN                                 |
  1. Type REDEF OFF in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the screen and suppresses the display of the EMP-DOB-REDEF group and elementary subordinate items as illustrated in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12. Edit - Formatted Mode - After REDEF OFF Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0010|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     1                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   00090                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   MARTIN                                 |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   EDWARD                                 |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN   M                                      |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER                  |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  427890125                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   101954                                 |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   920101                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   M                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 30000}                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM -3000.00                               |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   -74.00                                 |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
|    21 EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                                |
|                                  3/PS   5.00                                   |
More About the REDEFINES Command
  • You can specify the command as REDEFINES, REDEF, or RED. Refer to the primary commands section of the File-AID MVS Online Reference Manual (SPF and XE) for more information on the REDEFINES command syntax.
  • The REDEFINES setting is part of your user profile.
  • Use the PROFILE command to display the current REDEFINES value.
  • If REDEFINES is set to OFF, you may issue the DISPLAY REDEFINES n command (where n is a field number or name of a redefined or redefining data structure that is not currently visible because REDEFINES are suppressed). The DISPLAY REDEFINES n command displays the hidden structure while hiding the currently displayed definition of the data area. For example (see Figure 4-10 for reference), DISPLAY REDEF 11, redisplays the hidden redefines structure EMP-DOB-REDEF and suppresses the display of the redefined field EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH.

4.6 Specifying a Field Number to Conduct a Search For Invalid Data

You can use the FIND primary command to search for and display data that matches the search condition. When you specify the VALID or INVALID parameters with the FIND command, you must identify a field in the record layout.
File-AID compares the actual data in the specified field of each record with the field declaration in the record layout. If File-AID finds a match, valid or invalid as specified, it repositions the field at the top of the display and places an informational message at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
When indicating the record layout field, you enter a forward slash (/) followed by either a full or partial field name or the File-AID assigned field number.
Note: If field numbers are not already displayed as shown in Figure 4-12 issue the SHOW NUMBER command.
Figure 4-13. Search for INVALID data in field 19 - FIND INVALID /19
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> FIND INVALID /19                                                 |
|  RECORD:     1                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   00090                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   MARTIN                                 |
  1. Type FIND INVALID /19 in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID finds invalid data in field 19 (EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT) of record number 4. The layout is scrolled to show field 19's data at the top of the display.
Result of FIND INVALID /19
Notice the message X'404040' FOUND in the top right corner of the screen. Press PF1 to see the long description of this (or any) message: FS407 Search for /19 EQ INVALID was successful.
The cursor is positioned in the data area on the X'40... The invalid data is automatically displayed in hex for easy viewing and correction.
Figure 4-14. Edit - Formatted Mode - FIND INVALID Result
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------------- X'404040' FOUND|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   X'404040'                              |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
|    21 EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                                |
|                                  3/PS   15.00                                  |
|  22 EMP-HOME-ADDRESS SYNC       50/GRP                                         |
More About the FIND Command
  • If you enter the FIND command without specifying any parameters, the FIND Command screen is displayed to assist you with FIND command entry and syntax (see Figure 2-41).
  • File-AID assigns field numbers sequentially, starting at the top of the record layout. Each elementary or group data item name is assigned a unique field number. If a data item occurs more than once, each occurrence is assigned the same field number, since each data item shares the same data name. To search a specific array element indicate the subscript in the following way - FIND INVALID /field(subscript). You can use the File-AID-assigned field number in conjunction with several primary commands to selectively display your data. You can use the field number to:
    • Indicate the field to search when using the FIND INVALID command (Ex. FIND INVALID /field-number).
    • Use the DISPLAY command to specify a field or range of fields that you want to display in a format that is different from the default display format (Ex. DISPLAY 1 2-5 10 HEX).
    • Reposition the display to a specified field by using the field number(s) with the LOCATE primary command (Ex. LOCATE /field-number).
    • Specify which fields you want to display or hide by using the field number(s) with the DISPLAY primary command (Ex. DISPLAY 1 2 18 ONLY).

4.7 Printing the Currently Displayed Record

The FPRINT primary command enables you to print the current record and any number of subsequent records following the current record. FPRINT (FP) is valid only in the formatted mode. When you issue the FPRINT command, File-AID displays the Print Parameters screen.
Figure 4-15. Print One or More Formatted Records - FPRINT Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> FPRINT                                                           |
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   X'404040'                              |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
  1. Type FPRINT in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Print Parameters screen illustrated in Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16. Print Parameters Screen
|  File-AID -------------------  Print Parameters  ------------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Number of lines/page       ===> 55       (0 = Suppress page headings)         |
|  Sysout class               ===> A                                             |
|  Number of copies           ===> 1                                             |
|                                                                                |
|  Enter One of the Following Optional Destinations:                             |
|                                                                                |
|     Destination printer     ===>          (Local or remote printer)            |
|     - - - OR - - -                                                             |
|     External JES Node ID    ===>          (Predefined JES Node and symbolic ID |
|     Target VM/TSO ident     ===>           of intended receiver of output)     |
|     - - - OR - - -                                                             |
|     Sysout writer name      ===>          (Installation assigned output writer)|
|     - - - OR - - -                                                             |
|                                           (DSORG=PS, RECFM=V, LRECL=125)       |
|     Print dataset name      ===>                                               |
|     Disposition             ===>          (NEW, SHR, MOD, OLD)                 |
|     Volume serial           ===>                                               |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|   Use ENTER to continue, END to cancel                                         |
|                                                                                |
More About the FPRINT Command
  • FPRINT without any parameters prints one (1) record. To print several records starting at this record, use the command FPRINT n where n is the number of records to print. If n is "0" or "ALL", File-AID prints all records starting at the currently displayed record.

4.7.1 Directing The FPRINT Report to a Dataset or SYSOUT

FPRINT output may be routed to SYSOUT, a local or remote printer, a JES Node ID, a sysout writer, or to a new or existing dataset. You now rout your FPRINT output to a new dataset.
Figure 4-17. Print Parameters Screen - Put FPRINT Report in NEW Dataset
|  File-AID -------------------  Print Parameters  ------------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Number of lines/page       ===> 55       (0 = Suppress page headings)         |
|  Sysout class               ===> A                                             |
|  Number of copies           ===> 1                                             |
|                                                                                |
|  Enter One of the Following Optional Destinations:                             |
|                                                                                |
|     Destination printer     ===>          (Local or remote printer)            |
|     - - - OR - - -                                                             |
|     External JES Node ID    ===>          (Predefined JES Node and symbolic ID |
|     Target VM/TSO ident     ===>           of intended receiver of output)     |
|     - - - OR - - -                                                             |
|     Sysout writer name      ===>          (Installation assigned output writer)|
|     - - - OR - - -                                                             |
|                                           (DSORG=PS, RECFM=V, LRECL=125)       |
|     Print dataset name      ===> FASAMP.PRINT                                  |
|     Disposition             ===> NEW      (NEW, SHR, MOD, OLD)                 |
|     Volume serial           ===>                                               |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|   Use ENTER to continue, END to cancel                                         |
|                                                                                |
  1. Type FASAMP.PRINT in the Print dataset name field.
  2. Type NEW in the Disposition field. Since the dataset FASAMP.PRINT does not currently exist, you must specify the disposition of the dataset as NEW.
  3. Press <Enter>. Since you are creating a new print file (Disposition equals NEW), File-AID displays the Print Dataset Attributes Specification screen where you must enter additional print attributes as illustrated in Figure 4-18.
More About the Print Parameters
  • You can send the output to SYSOUT (Destination Printer) or another system (JES Node ID and Ident) or to a print writer (Sysout writer) or to a dataset (Print dataset name). Only one destination is accepted per FPRINT request. By default, your report is sent to SYSOUT with a destination of LOCAL.
  • FPRINT output is "wysiwyg" (what you see is what you get). Any format tailoring (SHOW) or field display tailoring (DISPLAY) is reflected in the report so that the output matches what you see on the formatted mode screen.

4.7.2 Specifying Additional Print Parameters for New Dataset

Whenever you request a NEW dataset, you must specify space allocation values.
Figure 4-18. New Print Dataset Attributes Specification Screen. (SMS Allocation Fields Not Shown Automatically Appear If Applicable)
|  File-AID ------------  Print Dataset Attributes Specification  ---------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Print Dataset Allocation Information:                                         |
|     Generic unit            ===>                                               |
|     Space units             ===> TRKS        (BLKS; TRKS; CYLS)                |
|     Primary quantity        ===> 1           (In above units)                  |
|     Secondary quantity      ===> 1           (In above units)                  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Use ENTER to print, END to cancel print                                       |
|                                                                                |
  1. Accept the default space allocation values or specify your own values.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID processes your print request, writing the output to the dataset FASAMP.PRINT. You can then browse the file or copy it to a printer at a later time.

4.8 Changing Data Using the CHANGE Command

Use the CHANGE primary command to search for a specified value or condition and change it to a new value. If File-AID finds a match, it changes the data to the new value that you specify. If you enter the CHANGE command without specifying any parameters, File-AID displays the CHANGE Command screen where you can enter your change parameters.
Figure 4-19. Initiate a Change - CHANGE Command With No Parameters
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------- 1 RECORD(S) PRINTED|
|  COMMAND ===> CHANGE                                           SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   X'404040'                              |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
  1. Type CHANGE in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the CHANGE Command screen as shown in Figure 4-20.

Figure 4-20. CHANGE Command Prompt Screen
|  File-AID  -----------------  CHANGE Command ----------------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify CHANGE operands:                                                      |
|     Operator         ===>          (EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE)                    |
|     From string      ===>                                                      |
|     To string        ===>                                                      |
|     Modifier         ===> NEXT     (NEXT, ALL, FIRST, LAST, PREV)              |
|     Lines to search  ===>          (NX = Nonexcluded; X = Excluded; Blank = all|
|                                                                                |
|  Specify the Following Fields to Limit the Range of Search for this CHANGE:    |
|      Field name     ===>                                                       |
|         or                                                                     |
|      Field number   ===>                                                       |
|         or                                                                     |
|      Start column   ===>         End column ===>          (Column number(s))   |
|      Start range    ===>         End range  ===>          (Label or line number|
|                                                                                |
|  NOTE: You may bypass this screen by entering the CHANGE command with operands:|
|  CHANGE  string         string2   (NEXT)   (NX)  (col-1 (col-2))   (range)     |
|  CHG     (op) string              (ALL)    (X)   (/field name)                 |
|  C       VALID                    (FIRST)        (/field number)               |
|          INVALID                  (LAST)                                       |
|          ANY or *                 (PREV)                                       |

4.8.1 Specifying the CHANGE Parameters

Use the CHANGE Command prompt screen to enter your change criteria. Using this screen helps you to enter valid values and to learn about the CHANGE command syntax.
Figure 4-21. CHANGE Command Screen - CHANGE ALL INVALID to 0 (zero)
|  File-AID  -----------------  CHANGE Command ----------------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify CHANGE operands:                                                      |
|     Operator         ===>          (EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE)                    |
|     From string      ===> INVALID                                              |
|     To string        ===> 0                                                    |
|     Modifier         ===> ALL      (NEXT, ALL, FIRST, LAST, PREV)              |
|     Lines to search  ===>          (NX = Nonexcluded; X = Excluded; Blank = all|
|                                                                                |
|  Specify the Following Fields to Limit the Range of Search for this CHANGE:    |
|      Field name     ===> EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                              |
|         or                                                                     |
|      Field number   ===>                                                       |
|         or                                                                     |
|      Start column   ===>         End column ===>          (Column number(s))   |
|      Start range    ===>         End range  ===>          (Label or line number|
|                                                                                |
|  NOTE: You may bypass this screen by entering the CHANGE command with operands:|
|  CHANGE  string         string2   (NEXT)   (NX)  (col-1 (col-2))   (range)     |
|  CHG     (op) string              (ALL)    (X)   (/field name)                 |
|  C       VALID                    (FIRST)        (/field number)               |
|          INVALID                  (LAST)                                       |
|          ANY or *                 (PREV)                                       |
  1. Type INVALID in the "From string" field. Using the INVALID keyword in the "From string" field tells File-AID to search the specified field for data that does not match its field declaration in the record layout.
  2. Type a 0 (zero) in the "To string" field. The value you enter in the "To string" field is the value that you want File-AID to substitute for the "From String" value. In this case, for any value that File-AID finds to be invalid.
  3. Type ALL in the Modifier field. The ALL modifier tells File-AID to search all records for the condition you specified.
  4. Type EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT in the "Field name" field. This value tells File-AID which field in the layout to search for invalid values.
  5. Press <Enter>. File-AID applies the CHANGE command as illustrated in Figure 4-22.
After the CHANGE, File-AID displays record number 4 on the Edit screen with EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT positioned at the top of the display and a value of 0 (zero) has replaced the invalid value. The cursor is placed on the new 0.
The message, EQ INVALID CHANGED, appears in the top right-hand corner of the display. Press PF1 (HELP) for details regarding the number of times File-AID applied the change you specified.
Figure 4-22. Edit - CHANGE Result - INVALID Data In Record 4 Changed
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- EQ INVALID CHANGED|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   0                                      |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
|    21 EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                                |
|                                  3/PS   15.00                                  |
|  22 EMP-HOME-ADDRESS SYNC       50/GRP                                         |
More About the CHANGE Command
  • You can specify the CHANGE command parameters on the CHANGE Command screen or specify the parameters with the CHANGE keyword in the COMMAND field.

4.9 Navigating within a Formatted Record

You can use the UP, DOWN, BACK (or LEFT), and FORWARD (or RIGHT) primary commands to navigate within a formatted display of a record and to move to the next or previous record. In formatted mode, the UP and DOWN primary commands enable you to view more fields within the current record. The BACK (alias LEFT) and FORWARD (aliases: FWD, RIGHT) primary commands scroll the display to the previous and next records, respectively. Each of these primary commands has a corresponding PF key set as the default in your user profile. The default settings are:

Figure 4-23. Scroll UP to See Beginning of Layout
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> UP                                                               |
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   0                                      |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
  1. Type UP in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. Since you did not specify a specific number of lines to scroll, File-AID repositions the cursor based on the value specified in the SCROLL field located in the upper right corner of the display. File-AID redisplays record number 4 with the first field of the record located at the top of the screen as shown in Figure 4-24.
Scroll UP Result
In this example, the EMP-NUMBER field name is highlighted to distinguish it as the key field of the record, and therefore, a protected field. The key field data (number 10000 in this example) is protected and may not be changed, protected data is not highlighed. The remainder of the data items are highlighted to distinguish them as unprotected fields which you may change.
Figure 4-24. Formatted Mode - After UP (PAGE) Scroll Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0010|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10000                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   ANDREWS                                |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   GEORGE                                 |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN                                          |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   ACTOR                                  |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  576312032                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   042248                                 |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   920131                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   S                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 00000{                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM 0                                      |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   0                                      |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
More About Scroll Commands
  • In formatted mode, the SCROLL field value of CSR (cursor) moves the line on which the cursor is positioned to the bottom (UP) or top (DOWN) of the display. (If the cursor is already on the top or bottom of the display or not visible on the screen, File-AID scrolls the data a full page.)

4.10 Creating a New Record by Copying the Currently Displayed Record

The REPEAT primary command lets you copy the currently displayed record and to add one or more copies of it immediately following the currently displayed record.
Figure 4-25. Create a New Record - REPEAT Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> REPEAT                                                           |
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10000                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   ANDREWS                                |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   GEORGE                                 |
  1. Type REPEAT in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID copies record number 4, inserts the new record (number 5) immediately following the currently displayed record. File-AID redisplays the screen with the message RECORD REPEATED displayed in the top right corner as shown in Figure 4-26.
Record REPEATED Result
Figure 4-26. Edit - Formatted Mode - REPEAT a Record
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------------- RECORD REPEATED|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10000                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   ANDREWS                                |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   GEORGE                                 |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN                                          |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   ACTOR                                  |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  576312032                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   042248                                 |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   920131                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   S                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 00000{                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM 0                                      |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   0                                      |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
More About the REPEAT Command
  • You can specify the REPEAT command as REPEAT, REP, or R. Refer to the information on primary commands in the File-AID MVS Online Reference Manual (SPF and XE) for a complete explanation of the command syntax.
  • To insert more than one copy of a record, specify a numerical value as a parameter with the command (for example, REPEAT 5).
  • You can use the INSERT primary command to create a new formatted data record. If you use the FORWARD (FWD, RIGHT) command from a record you create with the INSERT command, File-AID adds the edited record to the dataset and creates a new initialized input record. This is called INPUT mode. You must enter values in one or more fields of an INPUT record in order for the record to be added. INPUT mode ends when you issue any other command except scroll FWD.
  • Key fields of inserted and repeated records are unprotected so that you can enter values for the key of the new record.

4.10.1 Displaying the New Record

To display the new record you created with the REPEAT command, use the FWD (forward) primary command. The FWD command tells File-AID to display the next sequential record, which is record number 5 in this example.
Figure 4-27. Edit - Use FWD Command To See Repeated New Record
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> FWD                                                              |
|  RECORD:     4                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10000                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   ANDREWS                                |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   GEORGE                                 |
  1. Type FWD in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID scrolls to record number 5 as shown in Figure 4-28.
FWD Result - Record 5 is a Repeat of Record 4
Note the change to the key field's (EMP-NUMBER) protection status when you use the FWD command to display record number 5, the new repeated record.
Figure 4-28. After FWD - Repeated Record 5 Appears
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0010|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     5                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10000                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   ANDREWS                                |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   GEORGE                                 |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN                                          |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   ACTOR                                  |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  576312032                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   042248                                 |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   920131                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   S                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 00000{                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM 0                                      |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   0                                      |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   25.00                                  |
|    21 EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                                |

4.11 Entering New Data Values in a Repeated Record

Key fields are automatically protected from change in existing records. When you use the REPEAT (or INSERT) command to add a record to the dataset, the protection status of the key field is off to enable you to define the value of the new key.
In this example, you enter new data for the new record (number 5) that you created using the REPEAT command on record number 4. To change data, type over the existing data values as shown in Figure 4-29
Figure 4-29. Edit - Formatted Mode - Entering Data Values For New Record 5
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0010|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     5                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10001                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   SMITH                                  |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   MARY                                   |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN                                          |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   ACTRESS                                |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  536340982                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   052858                                 |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   940504                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   S                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 00000{                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM 0                                      |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   0                                      |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   15.00                                  |
|    21 EMP-LOCAL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                                |
  1. Since record number 4 was copied, record number 5 contains the same values. Type over the existing values with new data exactly as shown above in Figure 4-29.
  2. Press <Enter>.

4.11.1 Protecting New Record Key Fields

Once you have entered values for a new key, you can turn on key protection to prevent typeover changes. To turn the protection status on, use the PROTECT primary command.
When you set the protection status to ON, you cannot edit the data in the key field for the currently displayed record. When the protection status is on, the name of the key field is highlighted.
Figure 4-30. Edit - PROTECT New Key
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> PROTECT                                                          |
|  RECORD:     5                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10001                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   SMITH                                  |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   MARY                                   |
  1. Type PROTECT in the COMMAND field. Since the default value of the PROTECT command is ON, you do not have to enter the ON parameter with the command.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID prohibits you from editing the key field for the currently displayed record.
Since you invoked the PROTECT command on record number 5, the key field (EMP-NUMBER) and its data are protected. As illustrated in Figure 4-31, the field name is highlighted to distinguish it as a protected field. The other data items remain unprotected, as distinguished by the highlighting.
Figure 4-31. After PROTECT - EMP-NUMBER is Protected
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0010|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:     5                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10001                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   SMITH                                  |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   MARY                                   |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN                                          |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   ACTRESS                                |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  536340982                              |
More About the PROTECT Command
  • Use the PROFILE command to display the current PROTECT value.

4.12 Navigating to a Record by Its Key Value

Use the KEY command to scroll directly to the record that matches the value of the specified key (VSAM-KSDS, ISAM only).
Figure 4-32. Scroll Using KEY Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------                       |
|  COMMAND ===> KEY                                                              |
|  RECORD:     5                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+                       |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10001                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   SMITH                                  |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   MARY                                   |
  1. Type KEY in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Key Specification screen (as illustrated in Figure 4-33) where you specify the value that you want File-AID to locate in the EMP-NUMBER.
KEY Result - Key Specification Screen
Figure 4-33. KEY Value Specification Screen
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0000|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  KEY START POS 1    KEY LENGTH 5                                               |
|  KEY VALUE SPECIFICATION                                                       |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   10001                                  |
|  ****************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************|
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Use RIGHT, LEFT commands to browse through keys                               |
|  Press ENTER when the key value has been fully specified                       |
|  Use CAN command to terminate KEY SPECIFICATION without processing the key     |
More About the KEY Command
  • You may enter a key value with the KEY command. You may also use the optional keyword "NEXT" to find the record with same or next highest key value. Example, KEY 23456 NEXT, positions you to the record with a key equal to 23456 or the next highest key.
  • The KEY command is only valid for VSAM-KSDS and ISAM files.
  • For RRDS and BDAM files use the LR (Locate Record) command in Formatted Mode. In Character and Vertical modes use the LOCATE (L) primary command.

4.12.1 Scrolling to Another Record by Specifying a Key Value

In this example, the key field is EMP-NUMBER and you want to scroll to the record for employee number 34010. Using the KEY Value Specification screen, you can specify 34010 as the key value that you want File-AID to search for and locate. The KEY command and the KEY Value Specification screen feature eliminate the need to scroll through a dataset to find a specific record.
Figure 4-34. Scroll Using KEY Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|  KEY START POS 1    KEY LENGTH 5                                               |
|  KEY VALUE SPECIFICATION                                                       |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+--                     |
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA ************                     |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   34010                                  |
|  ****************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ***********                     |
  1. Type 34010 over the displayed key field value 10001.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID locates employee number 34010 in record number 13 and displays that record as shown in Figure 4-35.
Successful KEY Specification - Key 34010 Found
When the key is found, the message KEY OR KEY NEXT FOUND, is displayed at the top right corner of the screen.
Figure 4-35. Edit - Formatted Mode - Scrolled To Key 34010 - Record 13
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 -------------- KEY OR KEY NEXT FOUND|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  RECORD:    13                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                LENGTH:   198|
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---|
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA *********************************|
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   34010                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   SMITH                                  |
|  3 EMP-FIRST-NAME               10/AN   JANET                                  |
|  4 EMP-MID-INIT                  1/AN                                          |
|  5 FILLER                        2/AN                                          |
|  6 EMP-TITLE                    30/AN   AIRLINE ATTENDANT                      |
|  7 EMP-PERSONAL-INFO SYNC       23/GRP                                         |
|    8 EMP-NATL-ID-NUMBER          9/NUM  557782984                              |
|    9 FILLER                      1/AN                                          |
|    10 EMP-DATE-OF-BIRTH          6/AN   112359                                 |
|    15 EMP-HIRE-DATE              6/AN   920411                                 |
|    16 EMP-MARITAL-STATUS         1/AN   S                                      |
|  17 EMP-WITHOLD-INFO SYNC       15/GRP                                         |
|    18 EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT  DISPLAY 40000{                                 |
|                                  6/SNUM 4000.00                                |
|    19 EMP-NATL-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT   3/PS   30.00                                  |
|    20 EMP-REGION-TAX-WITHOLD-PCT                                               |
|                                  3/PS   15.00                                  |

4.13 Using Character Mode

The Character mode command structure and display layout are similar to those of the ISPF/PDF editor. The displayed or edited data can consist of the entire dataset or can be restricted, by using selection criteria, to a selected subset of records.

4.13.1 Switching To Character Mode

Use the CHAR command to switch from Formatted to Character mode.
Figure 4-36. Switch to Character Mode Using the CHAR Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> CHAR                                                             |
|  RECORD:    13                EMPLOYEE-MASTER-FILE                             |
|  ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ -FORMAT- ----+---1----+--                     |
|  ******************************** TOP OF DATA ************                     |
|  1 EMP-NUMBER                    5/AN   34010                                  |
|  2 EMP-LAST-NAME                15/AN   SMITH                                  |
  1. Type CHAR in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the dataset in character format as shown in Figure 4-37.

Figure 4-37. Edit - Character Mode
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  ==CHG> 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  ==NEW> 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  000007 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000008 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  000009 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  ==CHG> 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
|  000015 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    1234567|
|  000016 39310 BARNETT        EDWARD    E  SALESMAN                      5437891|
|  000017 39500 WILLIAMS       EDITH     A  DESIGNER                      9876543|
|  000018 41000 RICHARDSON     MARJORIE  M  PROGRAMMER ANALYST            3465836|
|  000019 41400 MOORE          THOMAS    M  SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR         2263736|
|  000020 42017 BENNETT        WILLIAM   D  SALES SUPPORT                 1465735|
|  000021 44018 WILHELM        HEINRICH  L  DIPLOMAT                      4665733|
More About Switching to Character Mode
  • When switching from Formatted mode to Character or Vertical modes, the cursor is positioned on the data of the current record. This helps you see which record you were on in Formatted mode. Note: IMPORTANT. Be sure to HOME the cursor before typing a command so as to not change any data values. If you do happen to type a command into your data, use PA2 to reset the display. Or, if you pressed <Enter>, use the UNDO command to reverse your overtype.
  • If the cursor is located on a data value in formatted mode, the cursor is displayed on the same byte in character mode.
  • Use the MSG ON command to see the help line showing valid mode switching commands on the last line of your screen.

4.13.2 Removing Informational Lines and Markers (RESET Command)

You can use the RESET primary command to remove from the display the following line types:
  • Special lines (=INFO>, =NOTE>, =PROF>, =COLS>, =MASK>, =OVLY>, =BNDS>, etc.)
  • Excluded lines (n LINES NOT DISPLAYED)
  • Status flags in sequence number fields (==CHG>, ==NEW>, ==SEQ>, =UNDO>, etc.)
  • Pending line commands (C, A, B, etc.).

Figure 4-38. Clear Status Flags - RESET Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> RESET                                                            |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
  1. HOME the cursor.
  2. Type RESET in the COMMAND field.
  3. Press <Enter>. File-AID clears the display of the results from all previously entered commands as illustrated in Figure 4-39.

Figure 4-39. Edit - Character Mode - After RESET Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  000007 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000008 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  000009 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  000010 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
|  000015 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    1234567|
More About the RESET Command
  • RESET does not have any effect on NOT SELECTED lines.

4.13.3 Assigning Labels

A line label refers to the location of a line in a dataset. A line label is specified as a period followed by a 1-5 character alphabetic string entered in a sequence number field. You can assign a label to any line. You can then use the labels at a later time to delimit the range of some commands including: CHANGE, FIND, and SORT.
Figure 4-40. Edit - Assigning Line Labels .A and .B
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  .A  03 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  000007 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000008 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  000009 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  .B  10 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
  1. Type .A in the sequence number field of line 3.
  2. Type .B in the sequence number field of line 10.
  3. Press <Enter>. You use these labels as part of the syntax of the CHANGE command syntax as illustrated in Figure 4-41.

4.13.4 Using the CHANGE Command With Labels

You can use line labels in character (and vertical formatted) mode in conjunction with the CHANGE primary command as parameters. Using labels restricts the scope of the CHANGE to only those lines within the labeled lines (inclusive).
The CHANGE command also accepts boolean comparison operators in the search string, including:
EQ Equal (default)
NE Not equal
GT Greater than
GE Greater or equal
LT Less than
LE Less or equal.
For example, the command CHANGE NE 'XXX' 'XXX' 1 3 changes columns 1 thru 3 to XXX if they are not equal to XXX.
Figure 4-41. CHANGE Command - Using column and line label ranges
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> C NE ' ' 'Z' .A .B 15 45 ALL                                     |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
  1. Type C NE ' ' 'Z' .A .B 15 45 ALL in the COMMAND field. The syntax of this CHANGE command consists of the CHANGE command keyword, a relational operator, the "from" and "to" values, and the range within which the change must occur. Ranges for records (lines) to change and columns are optional.
    The CHANGE command in this example changes all non-blank (NE ' ') values to the letter Z between column number 15 and 45 starting at line label .A and ending at line label .B..
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the screen and identifies those lines that have been changed by ===CHG> label in the sequence number fields as shown in Figure 4-42.
Figure 4-42. Edit - After CHANGE Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 --------------------- NE ' ' CHANGED|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==CHG> 00200 JACKSON        ZZZZZZ    Z  ZZZZZZ                        2755871|
|  ==CHG> 10000 ANDREWS        ZZZZZZ       ZZZZZ                         5763120|
|  ==CHG> 10001 SMITH          ZZZZ         ZZZZZZZ                       5363409|
|  ==CHG> 15000 MURPHY         ZZZZZZ    Z  ZZZZZZZ                       9876543|
|  ==CHG> 18034 SCHNEIDER      ZZZZZ     Z  ZZZZZ                         3415595|
|  ==CHG> 21035 JONES          ZZZZZZ    Z  ZZZZZZZ ZZZZER                4638134|
|  ==CHG> 25100 ROBERTS        ZZZZZZZ   Z  ZZZZZZZZZZ                    8795633|
|  ==CHG> 27007 ALLEN          ZZZZZ     Z  ZZZZZZ                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
|  000015 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    1234567|

4.13.5 Reversing Changes (UNDO)

You can use the UNDO primary command to reverse the last change you made to your records. All changes are reversible, including:
  • Typing over data and pressing <Enter>
  • CHANGE command
  • DELETE command
  • COPY and MERGE commands
  • C, D, R, and M line commands
  • ( shift left
  • ) shift right.

Figure 4-43. Reverse CHANGE - UNDO Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> UNDO                                                             |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  ==CHG> 00200 JACKSON        ZZZZZZ    Z  ZZZZZZ                               |
|  ==CHG> 10000 ANDREWS        ZZZZZZ       ZZZZZ                                |
  1. Type UNDO in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the screen with the dataset restored to the values prior to the CHANGE command. File-AID indicates the number of changes that were undone in the message located in the top right corner of the display as shown in Figure 4-44.
UNDO Result
Figure 4-44. Edit - Character Mode After UNDO Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- 108 CHANGES UNDONE|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  =UNDO> 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  =UNDO> 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  =UNDO> 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  =UNDO> 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  =UNDO> 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  =UNDO> 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  =UNDO> 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  =UNDO> 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
More About the UNDO Command
  • The SETUNDO OFF command can be issued to disable UNDO processing. This might be used to improve performance when performing large changes (CHANGE ALL, DELETE, COPY etc.).

4.13.6 Removing the Line Label Values

When you define a line label, File-AID continues to display the line label(s) in the sequence number field. Use the RESET primary command with its line-type parameter LABEL to remove the line label(s).
Figure 4-45. Issue the RESET and RESET LABEL commands
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> RESET;RESET LABEL                                                |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  =UNDO> 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                               |
|  =UNDO> 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                                |
  1. Type RESET;RESET LABEL in the COMMAND field. The semi-colon (;) is a command delimiter permitting you to enter multiple commands with one press of <Enter>.
  2. Press <Enter>. The UNDO flags disappear and the labels .A and .B are cleared as shown in Figure 4-46.

Figure 4-46. Edit - Character Mode - After RESET LABEL
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|

|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  000007 18034 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000008 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  000009 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  000010 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
|  000015 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    1234567|
|  000016 39310 BARNETT        EDWARD    E  SALESMAN                      5437891|
|  000017 39500 WILLIAMS       EDITH     A  DESIGNER                      9876543|
|  000018 41000 RICHARDSON     MARJORIE  M  PROGRAMMER ANALYST            3465836|
|  000019 41400 MOORE          THOMAS    M  SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR         2263736|
|  000020 42017 BENNETT        WILLIAM   D  SALES SUPPORT                 1465735|
|  000021 44018 WILHELM        HEINRICH  L  DIPLOMAT                      4665733|

4.14 Editing With Line Commands

File-AID supports most of the familiar ISPF Edit line commands and has some additional commands. Refer to the File-AID Reference Summary for a complete list of valid edit line commands. The following example illustrates using some of the File-AID line commands.

4.14.1 C (Copy) Line Command

You can place one or more copies of the data on a line to one or more destinations using the destination line commands A (After), B (Before) or H (Here).
Figure 4-47. Edit - Character Mode (Copy Line Command)
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  C   02 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  A  006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  000007 20367 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000008 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  A  009 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  000010 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  A3  12 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
  1. Type a C in line 2.
  2. Type an A in the sequence number field of line numbers 6 and 9.
  3. Type an A3 in the sequence number field of line number 12.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID inserts a single copy of the data in line number 2 after line numbers 6 and 9 and three copies of the data after line number 12. The inserted copies and the resulting change to the line numbers are illustrated in Figure 4-48.
C (Copy) Line command Result
Figure 4-48. Edit - Character Mode - After Copy
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  ==SEQ> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000008 20367 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000009 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  000010 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  ==SEQ> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000012 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000013 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000014 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  ==SEQ> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000018 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000019 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|
|  000020 36010 SIMPSON        ALEX         CARTOONIST                    1234567|
|  000021 39310 BARNETT        EDWARD    E  SALESMAN                      5437891|
More About the C (Copy) Line Command
  • Multiple destination markers (A, B, or H) may be used with any single line copy (C) or move (M) or block copy (CC) or block move (MM).
  • Multiple copy or move lines or multiple blocks are not permitted.
  • Use the OVERLAY primary command or the OVLY line command to establish an overlay mask before using the O (Overlay) or OO (Overlay block) line commands as a destination for C (Copy) or M (Move).

4.15 Sorting the Records of the Dataset

Use the SORT KEYS primary command to sort the records of your dataset based on the record key.
Figure 4-49. Arrange Records in Key Sequence - SORT KEYS
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> SORT KEYS                                                        |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                               |
|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                                |
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                              |
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                              |
|  ==SEQ> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
  1. Type SORT KEYS in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the dataset in ascending key (first five characters of each record) order. The number of records sorted is indicated in the message in the top right corner of the display as illustrated in Figure 4-50.

Figure 4-50. Edit - After SORT KEYS
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ------------------ 56 RECORDS SORTED|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000008 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  000009 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
More About the SORT Command
  • You can sort records on one or more fields by using the syntax:
    SORT from to A/D from to A/D ...
    SORT /field-name A/D /field-name A/D
    where "from" and "to" are column locations of the field(s) to be used as sort fields and /field-name is the name of field in a supplied record layout. A/D indicates ascending (A) or descending (D) sequence; if you do not specify either A or D, File-AID assumes an A (ascending) sequence order.
  • If a keyed file is sorted on a field other than the key field, you are not able to save your changes until all records are in key sequence. In this case, use the SORT KEY command to return the records to key sequence before saving your changes.
  • The default parameter for SORT is KEYS for a keyed file. Thus the commands SORT and SORT KEYS are the same.
  • For RRDS and BDAM files the SORT command sorts records in relative record number (RRN or RBN) order.

4.15.1 Deleting Duplicate Records - D (Delete) Line Command

Use the D (Delete) and DD (Delete Block) line commands to delete records.
Figure 4-51. DD (Delete block) - Delete Duplicate Records
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  DD  P> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  ==DUP> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  DD  P> 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  000008 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                               |
  1. Type DD (delete block) in the sequence number field of line numbers 3 and 7.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID deletes the lines of data between the delete block commands as illustrated in Figure 4-52.

Figure 4-52. After Duplicates Have Been Deleted
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0007|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFACTURER         4278901|
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMSTRESS          3465736|
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                        2755871|
|  000004 10000 ANDREWS        GEORGE       ACTOR                         5763120|
|  000005 10001 SMITH          MARY         ACTRESS                       5363409|
|  000006 15000 MURPHY         RONALD    L  PAINTER                       9876543|
|  000007 20367 SCHNEIDER      ELLEN     C  NURSE                         3415595|
|  000008 21035 JONES          GEORGE    B  COUNTRY SINGER                4638134|
|  000009 25100 ROBERTS        WILLIAM   R  POLITICIAN                    8795633|
|  000010 27007 ALLEN          JOYCE     M  AUTHOR                        7834583|
|  000011 30001 RICHARDS       REX       W  RODEO CLOWN                   6327645|
|  000012 31000 SAVAGE         JONATHON  C  ELECTRICIAN                   3485679|
|  000013 34010 SMITH          JANET        AIRLINE ATTENDANT             5577829|
|  000014 34011 JACOBS         DIANA        DOCTOR                        2253683|

4.16 Invoking Vertical Formatted Mode

The vertical formatted mode edit display is similar to the character mode edit display except that it uses the record layout field names as headings at the top of each column with the data formatted and arranged below each heading.
Figure 4-53. Switch to Vertical Formatted Mode - VFMT Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> VFMT                                                             |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090 MARTIN         EDWARD    M  AIRPLANE MANUFAC                     |
|  000002 00100 MULSTROM       ROBERTA   A  HOLLYWOOD SEAMST                     |
|  000003 00200 JACKSON        JOSEPH    C  ORATOR                               |
  1. Type VFMT in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the Edit screen in vertical formatted mode as shown in Figure 4-54.

Figure 4-54. Edit - Vertical Formatted Mode
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0003|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|         5/AN       15/AN           10/AN          1/AN         2/AN            |
|         (1-5)      (6-20)          (21-30)        (31-31)      (32-33)         |
|         1--------- 2-------------- 3------------- 4----------- 5-------        |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090      MARTIN          EDWARD         M                            |
|  000002 00100      MULSTROM        ROBERTA        A                            |
|  000003 00200      JACKSON         JOSEPH         C                            |
|  000004 10000      ANDREWS         GEORGE                                      |
|  000005 10001      SMITH           MARY                                        |
|  000006 15000      MURPHY          RONALD         L                            |
|  000007 20367      SCHNEIDER       ELLEN          C                            |
|  000008 21035      JONES           GEORGE         B                            |
|  000009 25100      ROBERTS         WILLIAM        R                            |
|  000010 27007      ALLEN           JOYCE          M                            |
|  000011 30001      RICHARDS        REX            W                            |
|  000012 31000      SAVAGE          JONATHON       C                            |
|  000013 34010      SMITH           JANET                                       |
|  000014 34011      JACOBS          DIANA                                       |
|  000015 36010      SIMPSON         ALEX                                        |
|  000016 39310      BARNETT         EDWARD         E                            |
|  000017 39500      WILLIAMS        EDITH          A                            |

4.16.1 Displaying a Subset of Fields

You can tailor the vertical formatted display to show only certain fields by using the DISPLAY command, just like in formatted mode. The full syntax of the DISPLAY command is shown in the File-AID Reference Summary and the File-AID MVS Online Reference Manual (SPF and XE) and in the online tutorials.
where field-list is a list of up to 10 field numbers or field-number ranges (for example, DISPLAY ONLY 1 2 5-8 15-20).
Figure 4-55. Tailoring the Fields To Appear - DISPLAY ONLY
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> DISPLAY 1 2 18 ONLY                                              |
|         EMP-NUMBER EMP-LAST-NAME   EMP-FIRST-NAME EMP-MID-                     |
|         5/AN       15/AN           10/AN          1/AN                         |
|         (1-5)      (6-20)          (21-30)        (31-31)                      |
|         1--------- 2-------------- 3------------- 4-------                     |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ********                     |
|  000001 00090      MARTIN          EDWARD         M                            |
  1. Type DISPLAY 1 2 18 ONLY in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the screen with columns 1, 2, and 18 only as illustrated in Figure 4-56.

Figure 4-56. Edit - Vertical Mode - Fields 1 2 and 18 Only
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------------- COLUMNS 00001 0009|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|         EMP-NUMBER EMP-LAST-NAME   EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT                    |
|         5/AN       15/AN           6/SNUM                                      |
|         (1-5)      (6-20)          (87-92)                                     |
|         1--------- 2-------------- 18----------------------                    |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  000001 00090      MARTIN                          -3000.00                    |
|  000002 00100      MULSTROM                         8000.00                    |
|  000003 00200      JACKSON                                0                    |
|  000004 10000      ANDREWS                                0                    |
|  000005 10001      SMITH                                  0                    |
|  000006 15000      MURPHY                           5000.00                    |
|  000007 20367      SCHNEIDER                        5000.00                    |
|  000008 21035      JONES                                  0                    |
|  000009 25100      ROBERTS                          5000.00                    |
|  000010 27007      ALLEN                            5000.00                    |
|  000011 30001      RICHARDS                         3000.00                    |
|  000012 31000      SAVAGE                           5000.00                    |
|  000013 34010      SMITH                            4000.00                    |
|  000014 34011      JACOBS                            400.00                    |
|  000015 36010      SIMPSON                          5000.00                    |
|  000016 39310      BARNETT                          5000.00                    |
|  000017 39500      WILLIAMS                               0                    |

4.16.2 Using the CHANGE ANY Command

You can unconditionally change data in one or more records using the CHANGE ANY command. If you specify the CHANGE command without any parameters, File-AID displays the CHANGE Command screen (see Figure 4-21).
Figure 4-57. Unconditional Change - CHANGE ANY
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> CHANGE ANY /18 0 ALL                                             |
|         EMP-NUMBER EMP-LAST-NAME   EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT                    |
|         5/AN       15/AN           6/SNUM                                      |
|         (1-5)      (6-20)          (87-92)                                     |
|         1--------- 2-------------- 18----------------------                    |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *********                    |
|  000001 00090      MARTIN                          -3000.00                    |
|  000002 00100      MULSTROM                         8000.00                    |
  1. Type CHANGE ANY /18 0 ALL in the COMMAND field. The CHANGE command in this example changes any value in field number 18 (EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT) of all records to a value of 0 (zero).
  2. Press <Enter>.
File-AID redisplays the screen with the changed values and displays a confirmation message at the top right corner of the screen as shown in Figure 4-58. File-AID displays a change flag (===CHG>) next to each changed line in the dataset.
Figure 4-58. Edit - After CHANGE ANY /18 0 Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ----------- /18 EQ ANY VALUE(S) Chan|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE|
|         EMP-NUMBER EMP-LAST-NAME   EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT                    |
|         5/AN       15/AN           6/SNUM                                      |
|         (1-5)      (6-20)          (87-92)                                     |
|         1--------- 2-------------- 18----------------------                    |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************|
|  ==CHG> 00090      MARTIN                                 0                    |
|  ==CHG> 00100      MULSTROM                               0                    |
|  ==CHG> 00200      JACKSON                                0                    |
|  ==CHG> 10000      ANDREWS                                0                    |
|  ==CHG> 10001      SMITH                                  0                    |
|  ==CHG> 15000      MURPHY                                 0                    |
|  ==CHG> 20367      SCHNEIDER                              0                    |
|  ==CHG> 21035      JONES                                  0                    |
|  ==CHG> 25100      ROBERTS                                0                    |
|  ==CHG> 27007      ALLEN                                  0                    |
|  ==CHG> 30001      RICHARDS                               0                    |
|  ==CHG> 31000      SAVAGE                                 0                    |

4.17 Terminate Edit Function

Use the END command to terminate processing of your Edit session.
Controlling Automatic Save Processing
When you END the edit session File-AID checks the value of your AUTOSAVE user profile value. If AUTOSAVE is OFF, File-AID prompts you to save or cancel the changes made to the dataset before it terminates the Edit function by displaying the message DATA CHANGED-SAVE/CANCEL at the top right corner of the screen. You must then type SAVE to save your changes, or CANCEL to cancel your changes leaving the original dataset undisturbed.
If AUTOSAVE is ON, your data is checked for correct key sequence and, if valid, the changes you have made are used to update the dataset.
Figure 4-59. Exit Edit and Save Changes - END Command
|  File-AID - Edit - USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE1 ---------------                     |
|  COMMAND ===> END                                                              |
|         EMP-NUMBER EMP-LAST-NAME   EMP-LIFE-INS-WITHOLD-AMT                    |
|         5/AN       15/AN           6/SNUM                                      |
|         (1-5)      (6-20)          (87-92)                                     |
|         1--------- 2-------------- 18----------------------                    |
|  ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA *********                    |
|  000001 00090      MARTIN                                 0                    |
|  000002 00100      MULSTROM                               0                    |
  1. Type END in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Disposition of Audit Trail screen as shown in Figure 4-60.

4.17.1 Specify Audit Trail Dataset and JOB Statements

File-AID displays the Disposition of Audit Trail screen when you specify a value of Y in the Create audit trail field on the Edit - Dataset Specification screen. To generate the Audit report, complete the Disposition of Audit Trail screen fields and press <Enter>.
Figure 4-60. Disposition of Audit Trail Screen
|  File-AID ---------------  Disposition of Audit Trail  ------------------------|
|  COMMAND ===>                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|  Audit trail disposition ===> PD        (PK = Print dataset and keep           |
|                                          PD = Print dataset and delete         |
|                                          D  = Delete dataset without printing) |
|                                                                                |
|  Audit trail dataset     ===> 'USERID9.FILEAID.AUDT.D940504.T165047'           |
|                                                                                |
|  Audit trail description ===> Enter a description of your edit session         |
|                          ===> on these two lines.                              |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify Batch JCL Information:                                                |
|   Sysout class           ===> *                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Specify JOB Statement Information:                                            |
|  ===> //useridA  JOB (ACCOUNT),'your name',                                    |
|  ===> //            CLASS=x,MSGCLASS=x,NOTIFY=userid                           |
|  ===>                                                                          |
|  ===>                                                                          |
|  Use JCL command to edit generated JCL                                         |
|  Use ENTER to submit batch job                                                 |
|  Use END to keep audit trail without printing                                  |
  1. Type PD in the Audit trail disposition field.
  2. Verify that the JOB statement shown is valid for your site. Use a hold Sysout class to enable online viewing of the report.
  3. Press <Enter>. File-AID submits the audit trail batch job.
  4. When the job completes, use your online Sysout browsing facilities to examine the report.
More About the Disposition of Audit Trail Screen
  • Use the JCL command to view the generated Audit Trail report print JCL.
  • Use the END command to save the audit trail dataset without printing the report. The Audit Trail report can be printed later by using the File-AID Print Audit Trail utility option 5.5.
  • The name of the audit trail dataset cannot be changed on this screen.

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