Saturday, November 17, 2012

File-Aid: Finding Files On Disk

Chapter 8. Finding Files On Disk

File-AID provides two utilities to assist you with finding files:
  • 3.4 Catalog Utility: Scans the catalog for datasets matching your dataset name mask (high-level qualifier required). The advantages provided by the File-AID Catalog utility include:
    • More flexibility in using pattern characters in a search name
    • Unlimited action regardless of type of dataset listed, including VSAM information display, Browse and Edit (with File-AID), and Delete.
  • 3.7 VTOC Utility: Scans volumes for datasets matching your dataset name mask (pattern allowed in high-level qualifier (for example, *.FASAMP.EMP*). Datasets need not be cataloged.
In this chapter, you practice using these utilities and learn about the line commands (for example, I (Info), 1 (File-AID Browse), and R (Rename)) that enable you to work with the list of datasets you generate.

8.1 Scanning the System Catalog (3.4 Catalog Utility)

File-AID has a powerful utility (3.4 Catalog) for scanning the system catalog and listing datasets that match a pattern you specify.
This utility is dynamically invoked for you whenever you specify a pattern dataset name (for example, FASAMP.*) in any dataset name prompt within File-AID.

8.1.1 Accessing the Catalog Utility (Option 3.4)

The Catalog utility is located on File-AID's Extended Utilities menu (option 3) as utility number 4.
First select option 3 to display the Extended Utilities menu.
Figure 8-1. File-AID Primary Option Menu. Selecting Option 3 for Extended Utilities Menu.
| File-AID 8.0.0 -------------  Primary Option Menu  ----------------------------|
| OPTION ===> 3                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|   0  PARAMETERS  - Specify ISPF and File-AID parameters     USERID   - USERID9 |
|   1  BROWSE      - Display file contents                    PF KEYS  - 24      |
|   2  EDIT        - Create or change file contents           TERMINAL - 3278    |
|   3  UTILITIES   - File-AID/SPF extended utilities          TIME     - 18:04   |
|   5  PRINT       - Print file contents                      JULIAN   - 95.100  |
|   6  SELECTION   - Create or change selection criteria      DATE     - 95/04/10|
|   7  XREF        - Create or change record/layout cross reference              |
|   8  VIEW        - View interpreted record layout                              |
|   9  REFORMAT    - Convert file from one format to another                     |
|  10  COMPARE     - Compare file contents                                       |
|   C  CHANGES     - Display summary of File-AID changes                         |
|   T  TUTORIAL    - Display information about File-AID                          |
|   X  EXIT        - Terminate File-AID and return to ISPF                       |
|                                                                                |
|      Use  END to terminate File-AID                                            |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|       Copyright (c) 1982,1994, an unpublished work by Compuware Corporation.   |
|                              All Rights Reserved.                              |
|                                                                                |
  1. From the File-AID Primary Option Menu (Figure 8-1), select File-AID option 3 to view the File-AID Extended Utilities menu.

8.1.2 Selecting the Catalog Utility

Next, select option 4 to view the Catalog Utility entry screen.
Figure 8-2. File-AID Extended Utilities Menu - Choose Option 4 CATALOG
| File-AID ------------------  Extended Utilities  ------------------------------|
| OPTION ===> 4                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  1  LIBRARY       - Display and modify directory entries; display load         |
|                     module CSECT maps; Browse, Delete, Rename PDS members      |
|  2  DATASET       - Display dataset information; allocate non-VSAM datasets    |
|                     and GDGs; catalog, uncatalog, delete, or rename datasets   |
|  3  COPY          - Copy entire datasets; copy selected records; copy PDS      |
|                     members based on name, statistics and/or content           |
|  4  CATALOG       - Display generic catalog entries or VSAM datasets on a      |
|                     volume in list form and do dataset list processing         |
|  5  VSAM          - Allocate, display, delete, modify, or rename VSAM clusters,|
|                     alternate indexes, or paths; manage IAM files              |
|  6  SEARCH/UPDATE - FIND and CHANGE across PDS members.  Search for and/or     |
|                     update data globally in any type of dataset.               |
|  7  VTOC          - Display and process datasets on a volume(s)                |
|                                                                                |
|  8  INTERACTIVE   - Execute File-AID/Batch                                     |
|                                                                                |
|  9  BATCH SUBMIT  - Build batch jobstreams                                     |
|                                                                                |
|  Copyright (c) 1982, 1994, by Compuware Corporation.  All rights reserved.     |
|                                                                                |
  1. From the File-AID Extended Utilities menu (Figure 8-2), select option 4 to access the Catalog Utility entry screen.

8.1.3 Specifying Catalog Search Options

The Catalog Utility entry screen enables you to generate a list of datasets that start with your user ID prefix by pressing the <Enter> key just once.
You may choose to specify an explicit search name or other options, including:
  • Format option: select the amount of information you want to see in your list of datasets:
    Q (Quick) Very fast; just looks up catalog entry.
    S (Short) Reads catalog entry to show volume.
    L (Long) Gets information from dataset label including space allocated and percent of space used and record format.
  • Clusters only: option to show just cluster name or all components of VSAM clusters (for example, .DATA and .INDEX). The default is to show cluster name only.
  • Display confirm delete: option to suppress the display of the confirm screen for each delete request.
In this example, you list your user ID datasets using the LONG format.
Figure 8-3. Catalog Utility Entry Screen
| File-AID --------------------  Catalog Utility  -------------------------------|
| OPTION ===> ____                                                               |
|                                                                                |
|    V - Produce volume list of VSAM datasets (non-ICF catalogs only)            |
|    BLANK - Generic catalog search                                              |
|                                                                                |
| Generic Catalog Search Function:                                               |
|    Search name          ===> ____________                                      |
|    Format option        ===> L        (Q = Quick; S = Short; L = Long)         |
|    Clusters only        ===> Y        (Y = Yes; N = No)                        |
|                                                                                |
| Volume Dataset List Function:                                                  |
|    Volume serial        ===>          (Required for option V)                  |
|    Translate DSN        ===> N        (Y = Yes; N = No)                        |
|                                                                                |
| Catalog to Search if other than Default System Catalog:                        |
|    Catalog name         ===>                                                   |
|    Catalog password     ===>          (If catalog is password protected)       |
|                                                                                |
| Display confirm delete  ===> Y        (Y = Yes; N = No)                        |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
  1. Leave the OPTION field blank.
  2. Leave the Search name field blank.
  3. Set Format option field to L (long).
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID generates the list of datasets and displays them on the Catalog Utility Dataset List screen as shown in Figure 8-4.
More About the Catalog Utility Entry Screen
  • Rules for the Search Name field include:
    • If you leave the field blank, File-AID automatically lists those datasets starting with your user ID. It also lists any datasets that start with your site optional VSAM high-level qualifier plus your VSAM intermediate name as defined in your 0.1 System Parameters default.
    • If you specify a name, you must enter the full, high-level qualifier name without quotes (for example, SYS1).
    • Valid pattern characters include:
      ? (Question mark) Single character wildcard (for example, SYS1.DB?LIB)
      * (Asterisk) Multiple character wildcard (for example, SYS1.DB* and SYS1.FA.*.NODEFOUR)
      (Plus) Multiple node wildcard (for example, SYS1..NODEFOUR).
    • The Search Name is reset to blanks when you exit the Catalog utility.
    • The V option (Produce volume list of VSAM) is used primarily for sites having pre-ICF catalogs.

8.1.4 Working With Your Dataset List (Primary and Line Commands)

File-AID scans the system catalog and generates a list of datasets matching your search name. In this case, you used the default search name and are viewing a list of your user ID prefix datasets.
You can scroll the list down or up, use the FIND command, print the list, or use line commands to select one or more datasets for processing.
In this example, you look at the File-AID tutorial screen available on any screen by issuing the HELP command or pressing the PF key assigned to the HELP command (PF1). Later, you use the I (Info) line command to view information about a VSAM cluster.
Figure 8-4. Catalog Utility Dataset List - Long Format
| File-AID -------------  Catalog Utility Dataset List  --- 22 DATASETS SELECTED |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
|   ----- D A T A S E T   N A M E  -------------- Org Volume Fmt  Trks  %Us  Xt  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.COMPARE                        VS  PRD928 F       1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYEE                       VS  PRD928 F       1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE2                       PS  PRD927 FB      1    0   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.EMPMAST                        PS  PRD927 FB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.INVFILE                        PS  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.INVFILE2                       PS  PRD927 VB      1    0   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.JCL                            PO  PRD927 FB      2  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.LAYOUTS                        PO  PRD927 FB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.ORDRFILE                       PS  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.RFMTDEF                        PO  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.SEGFILE                        PS  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.SELCRIT                        PO  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.SEQBLK                         PS  PRD904 FB      3   33   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.XREF                           PO  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|                                                                                |
  1. Press PF1 (HELP) two times. File-AID contains comprehensive tutorials about each screen and command. Pressing PF1 (HELP) displays the tutorial describing your current screen.
    If a short message is displayed in the upper right corner (for example, 22 DATASETS SELECTED), the first time you press PF1, File-AID displays the long message associated with the short message. The long message appears on screen line three or sometimes in a message window near the lower portion of your screen. The second time you press PF1, File-AID invokes the related tutorial screen that describes the current function or message.
    From the tutorial, you can either select a specific topic when choices are provided or just press <Enter> from each tutorial screen to sequentially view the information.

8.1.5 Reviewing the Tutorial - Summary of Primary and Line Commands

This tutorial on dataset selection lists summarizes the valid primary and line commands for the Catalog utility and the VTOC utility.
Use the END command (PF3) to return to the File-AID screen you were on when you requested help.
Figure 8-5. Catalog Utility. The Dataset List Processing Commands Tutorial Screen.
| File-AID -------------- CATALOG - DATASET SELECTION LISTS ------------ TUTORIAL|
| OPTION  ===>                                                                   |
|                   +------------------------------------                      |
|                   |  DATASET SELECTION LIST PROCESSING  |                      |
|                   +------------------------------------                      |
| DATASET SELECTION LISTS allow specific primary commands and line commands.     |
| Note:  When the Catalog Utility is invoked by specifying a pattern for a DSN,  |
|        the only valid line command is S, to select a dataset for processing.   |
|                                                                                |
| The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected by number:   |
|     1 - SCROLLING through dataset selection lists                              |
|  Primary commands                                                              |
|     2 - F (FIND).....scroll to dataset name containing search text             |
|     3 - L (LOCATE)...scroll to dataset starting with search text               |
|     4 - P (PRINT)....print the list                                            |
|  Line commands-----    --------------------    ------------------------------- |
|     5 - B (BROWSE)     10 - I (INFO-long)      15 - 1 (File-AID Browse)        |
|     6 - C (CATLG)      11 - M (MODIFY)         16 - 2 (File-AID Edit)          |
|     7 - D (DELETE)     12 - R (RENAME)         17 - 6 (File-AID Search /Update)|
|     8 - E (EDIT)       13 - S (INFO-short or Select)                           |
|     9 - F (FREE)       14 - U (UNCATLG)                                        |
|                                                                                |
  1. Review the primary and line commands shown in the tutorial in Figure 8-5. Notice that line command 1 invokes File-AID Browse, 2 invokes File-AID Edit and 6 is File-AID Search/Update.
  2. Use the END command (press PF3) to return to the list of your datasets.
More About the Tutorial
  • In the tutorial, you can ask for help (PF1) to learn how the tutorial works.
  • You can use the TOC primary command to view the table of contents for the tutorial.
  • You can use the I primary command to access the alphabetical index for File-AID's tutorial.

8.1.6 Selecting a Dataset for Processing

In order to perform an action on any dataset in the Dataset List, specify a valid line command to the left of the dataset name.
In this example you request information (I line command) on a VSAM cluster.
Figure 8-6. Catalog Utility Dataset List - I (Info) Request
| File-AID -------------  Catalog Utility Dataset List  --- 22 DATASETS SELECTED |
| ER052-Selected 22 from 42 entries read from catalog--0 in error.               |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
|   ----- D A T A S E T   N A M E  -------------- Org Volume Fmt  Trks  %Us  Xt  |
| I USERID9.FASAMP.COMPARE                        VS  PRD928 F       1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYEE                       VS  PRD928 F       1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.EMPLOYE2                       PS  PRD927 FB      1    0   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.EMPMAST                        PS  PRD927 FB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.INVFILE                        PS  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.INVFILE2                       PS  PRD927 VB      1    0   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.JCL                            PO  PRD927 FB      2  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.LAYOUTS                        PO  PRD927 FB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.ORDRFILE                       PS  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.RFMTDEF                        PO  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.SEGFILE                        PS  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.SELCRIT                        PO  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.SEQBLK                         PS  PRD904 FB      3   33   1  |
|   USERID9.FASAMP.XREF                           PO  PRD927 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.ISPF.ISPPROF                          PO  PRD802 FB      4   50   1  |
|   USERID9.JCL                                   PO  PRD902 FB     34  100   1  |
|   USERID9.LOGON.CLIST                           PO  PRD921 VB      1  100   1  |
|   USERID9.SPFLOG1.LIST                          PS  PRD926 VA      8    0   1  |
|   USERID9.SPF1.LIST                             PS  PRD918 FBA     2  100   1  |
|   USERID9.SPF2.LIST                             PS  PRD915 FBA    16    0   1  |
|   USERID9.SUPERC.LIST                           PS  PRD912 FBA     1  100   1  |
|                                                                                |
  1. If necessary, use the command FIND FASAMP.COMPARE, to scroll the list of datasets so that your userid.FASAMP.COMPARE dataset is visible in the list of datasets.
  2. Write down the VOLUME number of the ...FASAMP.COMPARE dataset in the space below this sentence. You use this volume in a later example. VOLUME = ________ <-- Write VOLSER here
  3. Place an I to the left of the ...FASAMP.COMPARE dataset.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays information about FASAMP.COMPARE on the VSAM Information screen shown in Figure 8-7.

8.1.7 Ending Dataset Processing

After performing the function you requested, use the END command to return to the Catalog Utility Dataset List screen.
If you selected more than one dataset to process, File-AID immediately processes the next command request and displays the appropriate screen (File-AID does not display the Catalog Utility Dataset List screen first). After processing your last dataset request, File-AID redisplays the Catalog Utility Dataset List screen scrolled to the last processed dataset.
This example illustrates the processing of a single dataset. In this step, you exit from the Catalog utility and return to the Extended Utilities menu.
Figure 8-7. Catalog Utility - Sample VSAM Information Display
| File-AID ------  VSAM Information - (Page 1 of 2)  ----------------------------|
| COMMAND ===> END                                                               |
| Catalog:  CATALOG.TSO2.VPRD915                                                 |
| Cluster:  'USERID9.FASAMP.COMPARE'                                             |
| Data:     'USERID9.FASAMP.COMPARE.DATA'                    Data Volume:  PRD928|
| Index:    'USERID9.FASAMP.COMPARE.INDEX'                  Index Volume:  PRD928|
|  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| Data Component Information:                       Current Allocation Options:  |
|  Device type:             3390                     Load option:       RECOVERY |
|  Organization:            KSDS                     Write check:             NO |
|  KSDS key length:            5                     Buffer space:          6144 |
|  KSDS key location:          0                     Erase on delete:         NO |
|  Average record size:      211                     Imbedded index:          NO |
|  Maximum record size:      211                     Replicated index:        NO |
| Allocated Space:  Unit      Primary  Secondary     Reuse option:           YES |
|  Data:            TRACKS          1          1     Share option:           3-3 |
|  Index:           TRACKS          1          1     Spanned records:         NO |
| Dataset Date Information:                          MSS Binding:         STAGED |
|  Creation date:         1994/05/09                 MSS-Destage wait:        NO |
|  Expiration date:                                  Key ranges present:      NO |
|  Modification date:     1994/05/09                 AIX-unique keys:            |
|  Modification time:     05:48 PM  GMT              AIX-upgrade:                |
|                                                                                |
|Use ENTER to go to page 2, END to return to utility menu                        |
|                                                                                |
  1. Use the END command (press PF3) THREE TIMES to return to the Extended Utilities menu.

8.2 Scanning DASD Volumes to Find Files (3.7 VTOC Utility)

File-AID has a convenient DASD utility (3.7 VTOC) for scanning the VTOCs of one or more individual (or ranges of) volumes to find datasets.
Datasets you are looking for may be uncataloged. Special displays let you:
  • View a summary of space utilization on your volumes.
  • View the extents on a volume in physical sequence.
  • Find and list datasets using pattern names including high-level qualifier patterns.
You can also perform many of these functions with File-AID/Batch by submitting JCL to produce reports.

8.2.1 Accessing the VTOC Utility (Option 3.7)

The VTOC utility is located on File-AID's Extended Utilities menu (option 3) as utility number 7.
Figure 8-8. File-AID Extended Utilities Menu. Selecting the VTOC Utility.
| File-AID ------------------  Extended Utilities  ------------------------------|
| OPTION ===> 7                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  1  LIBRARY       - Display and modify directory entries; display load         |
|                     module CSECT maps; Browse, Delete, Rename PDS members      |
|  2  DATASET       - Display dataset information; allocate non-VSAM datasets    |
|                     and GDGs; catalog, uncatalog, delete, or rename datasets   |
|  3  COPY          - Copy entire datasets; copy selected records; copy PDS      |
|                     members based on name, statistics and/or content           |
|  4  CATALOG       - Display generic catalog entries or VSAM datasets on a      |
|                     volume in list form and do dataset list processing         |
|  5  VSAM          - Allocate, display, delete, modify, or rename VSAM clusters,|
|                     alternate indexes, or paths; manage IAM files              |
|  6  SEARCH/UPDATE - FIND and CHANGE across PDS members.  Search for and/or     |
|                     update data globally in any type of dataset.               |
|  7  VTOC          - Display and process datasets on a volume(s)                |
|                                                                                |
|  8  INTERACTIVE   - Execute File-AID/Batch                                     |
|                                                                                |
|  9  BATCH SUBMIT  - Build batch jobstreams                                     |
|                                                                                |
|  Copyright (c) 1982, 1994, by Compuware Corporation.  All rights reserved.     |
|                                                                                |
  1. From the File-AID Extended Utilities menu (Figure 8-8), select option 7 to access the VTOC Utility entry screen.

8.2.2 Specifying VTOC Search Options

The VTOC Utility entry screen provides several fields and options for specifying your request. In all cases, you must identify the DASD volume(s) to be scanned by using the Volume Selection Information fields.
Figure 8-9. VTOC Utility - Request Entry Screen
| File-AID ---------------------  VTOC Utility  -------------------------------- |
| OPTION ===>                                                                    |
|                                                                                |
|    I - List volume information                                                 |
|    M - Map VTOC entries in pack location sequence (CCCCC-HH)                   |
|    BLANK - List VTOC entries in dataset name sequence                          |
|                                                                                |
| Volume Selection Information:                                                  |
|    Volume serial        ===>                                                   |
|    Unit name            ===>                                                   |
|    Volume status        ===>          (PUB=Public; PRV=Private; STG=Storage)   |
|                                                                                |
| Generic Search Function:                                                       |
|    Search dataset name  ===>                                                   |
|    Max number of names  ===> 1000     (For multi-volume operations)            |
|                                                                                |
| Catalog to use if other than Default System Catalog:                           |
|    Catalog name         ===>                                                   |
|    Catalog password     ===>          (If catalog is password protected)       |
|                                                                                |
| Display confirm delete  ===> Y        (Y = Yes, N = No)                        |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
Specifying the OPTION
The OPTION at the top of the screen defines the format of the results display:
I (List Volume Information) Produces a summary of your volumes showing space used and free. From the list of volumes, you can use the S line command to view the datasets on the volume in name order, or the M line command to view the extents on the volume in pack location sequence.
M (Map VTOC entries in pack location sequence) Shows physical order of extents on exactly one volume.
(blank) (List VTOC entries in dataset name sequence) Produces a list of datasets for one volume or a list of all datasets matching the search name pattern on a range of volumes.
Performing VTOC Processing in Batch
File-AID/Batch has several functions corresponding to the OPTIONS of the VTOC utility. Using these functions you can produce hard copy reports of VTOC information. Sample JCL for performing VTOC functions in batch is provided in your sample JCL library (FASAMP.JCL) member name BATVTOC. The functions include:
VTOCINFO (List Volume Information) Produces a summary of your volumes showing space used and free. Following the summary, each volume is listed in dataset name order.
VTOCMAP (Map VTOC entires in pack location sequence) Produces a report of one or more volumes by extent in physical order.
VTOCDSN (List VTOC entries in dataset name sequence) Produces a list of datasets for one volume or a list of all datasets matching the search name pattern on a range of volumes.
Specifying the Volume Selection Information
The Volume Selection Information fields are used to specify the volume(s) to be scanned.
At least one field must contain a value, multiple fields may be used (for example, Volume serial and Unit name).
  • Volume Serial A list of one or more full or partial volume serial numbers (for example, DISK21,TSO,PROD9). (Asterisk (*) means all volumes currently online.)
  • Unit A list of one or more valid UNIT names (for example, SYSDA,3390,WORK).
  • Volume status Valid status codes are PUB, PRV, and STG.
Specifying the Optional Search Name
The Search name field accepts all standard File-AID pattern characters including pattern characters in the high-order node of the dataset.
Valid pattern characters are as follows:
? (Question mark) Single character wildcard (for example, SYS1.DB?LIB)
* (Asterisk) Multiple character wildcard (for example, SYS1.DB* and SYS1.FA.*.NODEFOUR)
(Plus) Multiple node wildcard (for example, .NODEFOUR).
Use the "Max number of names" field to limit the search and display of found datasets if your pattern might match a large number of datasets.
Specifying the Catalog to Use
These fields are used only to catalog datasets using a catalog other than the system catalog. It only applies to the C (Catalog) line command.
Using the Display Confirm Delete option
Use the Display confirm delete field to suppress the display of a panel to confirm each delete request. This can be convenient when you are performing DASD maintenance and you do not need a confirmation of your delete requests.

8.2.3 Performing the Name Search

In this example, you scan a volume and list all datasets matching the search pattern .FASAMP.COMPARE.*. The pattern matches datasets with names:
starting with any number of qualifiers and
ending with FASAMP.COMPARE.any-single-qualifier.
Figure 8-10. VTOC Utility - Specifying a Name Search
| File-AID ---------------------  VTOC Utility  -------------------------------- |
| OPTION ===> __                                                                 |
|                                                                                |
|    I - List volume information                                                 |
|    M - Map VTOC entries in pack location sequence (CCCCC-HH)                   |
|    BLANK - List VTOC entries in dataset name sequence                          |
|                                                                                |
| Volume Selection Information:                                                  |
|    Volume serial        ===> xxxxxx                                            |
|    Unit name            ===>                                                   |
|    Volume status        ===>          (PUB=Public; PRV=Private; STG=Storage)   |
|                                                                                |
| Generic Search Function:                                                       |
|    Search dataset name  ===> .FASAMP.COMPARE.*                                |
|    Max number of names  ===> 1000     (For multi-volume operations)            |
|                                                                                |
| Catalog to use if other than Default System Catalog:                           |
|    Catalog name         ===>                                                   |
|    Catalog password     ===>          (If catalog is password protected)       |
|                                                                                |
| Display confirm delete  ===> Y        (Y = Yes, N = No)                        |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
  1. Leave the OPTION field blank.
  2. Specify the Volume serial as the value you noted earlier in 8.1.6 , "Selecting a Dataset for Processing".
  3. Type .FASAMP.COMPARE.* in the Search dataset name field.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID lists the datasets for the specified volume as shown in Figure 8-11.

8.2.4 Selecting a Dataset for Processing

In order to perform an action on any dataset listed, enter a valid line command to the left of the dataset name.
See Figure 8-5 for a list of the valid primary and line commands available for acting on any dataset (or extent when viewing pack location sequence) displayed.
Figure 8-11. VTOC Utility - List of Datasets Matching a Search Name
|  File-AID -----------  Utility VTOC List for XXX926 (3390)  --  ROW 1 TO 8 OF 8|
| COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR |
|  VTOC:     69 Tracks (  23 %used)    2640 Free DSCB'S               8 Datasets |
|  VOL:   50085 Tracks (  90 %used)      15 Tracks/cylinder          15 ALT Track|
|  FREE:    306 Cyls (MAX= 133)        5026 Trks (MAX= 2004)        130 Free Xtnt|
|  Selected Datasets:      8 Tracks, using   0 % of volume                       |
|   --------- D A T A S E T   N A M E ---------- ORG   Trks %Used XTS=  Status   |
|   XXX010.FASAMP.COMPARE.DATA                   VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX010.FASAMP.COMPARE.INDEX                  VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX022.FASAMP.COMPARE.DATA                   VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX022.FASAMP.COMPARE.INDEX                  VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX028.FASAMP.COMPARE.DATA                   VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX028.FASAMP.COMPARE.INDEX                  VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX029.FASAMP.COMPARE.DATA                   VS       1    ?     1           |
|   XXX029.FASAMP.COMPARE.INDEX                  VS       1    ?     1           |
| ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************|
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
Ending Dataset Processing
After viewing a list, use the END command to return to the VTOC Utility entry screen. You are done with this example; return to the File-AID Primary Option Menu now.
  1. Use the END command (press PF3) THREE TIMES to display the File-AID Primary Option Menu.

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