Saturday, November 17, 2012

Automating Layout Usage with XREF

Chapter 14. Automating Layout Usage with XREF

File-AID provides a special function, option 7 XREF, for automating the selection and usage of record layouts for files with different record types. These files have different records that are described by more than one record layout. File-AID determines the record layout to use for each different record type by the value in one or more data fields in each record. These data fields are typically referred to as record type fields.
With the XREF function, you can create a permanent member of a PDS that contains the rules for selecting a record layout. The rules are based on the data conditions found in each record being processed by any of the following File-AID functions:
  • Browse - formatted display mode and FPRINT command
  • Edit - formatted display mode and FPRINT command
  • Print - formatted data record printing
  • Selection - formatted selection criteria specification
  • Reformat - source layout and record selection
  • Compare - formatted field comparison and differences reporting.
In addition to defining layout member selection rules for multi-record type files, the XREF function can also be used to describe the rules for selecting layouts for a file with records that require different layouts to define each of several possible segments of one record. The procedure for defining segmented record XREF members is discussed in Chapter 16. "Segmented Record File Layout Automation".
The XREF function uses the actual record layouts themselves to define the rules for selecting a layout when the formatted display of a data record is requested in any File-AID function. Using a formatted display of a record layout as a template, you establish layout selection rules by entering data value(s) in the record type field(s).
Optionally, you can specify layout selection conditions with unformatted criteria. XREF layout selection criteria specification is similar to defining record selection criteria in other functions of File-AID (for example, Selection and Search/Update).

14.1 Accessing the XREF Function (Option 7)

The XREF function is located on the File-AID Primary Option Menu as option 7.
  1. From the File-AID Primary Option Menu, select option 7.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Record Layout Cross Reference screen as illustrated in Figure 14-1.

14.2 Creating a New XREF Member

In this chapter you create a new member, ORDERXRF, in your sample XREF dataset (FASAMP.XREF). The new ORDERXRF member is used to describe the layout selection rules for the sample order file (FASAMP.ORDRFILE). The file contains four types of records, each of which is described by a different record layout. Two data fields are used to identify each record type as shown in Table 14-1:
Table 14-1. FASAMP.ORDRFILE Records
Layout Member 01 Level Name Field 1
Notice that two of the layouts are stored in the same member (ORDERWO) of the sample layouts library (FASAMP.LAYOUTS). You are shown how to identify each of the two structures independently.
Figure 14-1. Record Layout Cross Reference (XREF) Function Entry Screen
| File-AID --------------  Record Layout Cross Reference  -----------------------|
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Cross Reference Dataset to be Created or Edited:                       |
|    XREF dataset name        ===> FASAMP.XREF                                   |
|    Member name              ===> ORDERXRF (Blank or pattern for member list)   |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Record Layout Information:                                             |
|    Record layout dataset    ===> FASAMP.LAYOUTS                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| This function creates and maintains existing File-AID Record Layout Cross      |
| References. These XREF's are used to match record layouts to data records in   |
| File-AID functions that use formatting.                                        |
|                                                                                |
  1. Type FASAMP.XREF in the XREF Dataset name field under the Specify Cross Reference Dataset information section. If you want to create a new XREF dataset, the attributes are:
    DSORG=PO,RECFM=VB,LRECL=300,BLKSIZE=x (x = 304 or more)
    You may store XREF members and permanent selection criteria members in the same dataset. Any entry you make here is reflected on all File-AID screens where an XREF dataset is permitted.
  2. Type ORDERXRF in the Member name field. You are creating a new member, ORDERXRF. You can enter the name of an existing member. You can also leave the field blank or specify a pattern to display a list of existing XREF members from which you can select. The member you identify here is reflected on all File-AID screens where an XREF member is permitted.
  3. Type FASAMP.LAYOUTS in the Record layout dataset field. This is the name of the library containing the record layouts you reference during XREF creation and XREF usage. The last referenced layout library entered on any File-AID screen is shown as a default. Any entry you make here is reflected on all File-AID screens where a record layout library is referenced.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Define XREF screen as illustrated in Figure 14-2.

14.3 Defining the XREF

The Define XREF screen (Figure 14-2) is where you specify which source layout library members are to be used for formatting the data records of your file.
The scrollable area in the lower half of the screen is where you enter line commands and member names (or patterns).
Note: You must use the line command S (Select Formatted) or SU (Select Unformatted) to access the selection rules definition screen for each member you enter.
Figure 14-2. Define XREF Screen. Requesting a Pattern Member List.
| File-AID ----- Define XREF - ORDERXRF ---------------------  ROW 1 TO 12 OF 15 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| XR105-Valid line CMDS: C/M, B/A, I, R, D, EX, S, SF, SU, DEF, BAS, SEG         |
| Member list description ===> ______________________________                    |
|                                                                                |
|     Long    ===> ______________________________________________________________|
| Description ===> ______________________________________________________________|
|                                                                                |
| Generated filler length ===> 0      (0 to suppress filler)                     |
|                                                                                |
| Cmd   Member   Beginning Data-Name              Description         Status     |
| --- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------  ----------------|
| S__ ORD*______ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
The optional Beginning Data-Name field is provided for cases when the referenced source layout library member contains multiple 01-level data structures, or is a source language program (COBOL or PL/I) containing an embedded data structure that you want to use for formatting your data records.
File-AID examines the source code for the data-name and extracts the data structure at the level of the data-name specified, stopping when an equal or lower level data structure or other non-data declarative source statement is encountered.
If you do not specify a value in the Beginning Data-Name field for a source member with multiple 01-level data structures, File-AID displays a list of structures from which you can select.
Whenever File-AID is unable to clearly determine the structure to use (for example the layout member is a source program), the Source Statement Selection screen is displayed to capture the starting and ending data names or line numbers of the source statements which define the data structure you want to use.
The EX (Extract) layout line command is provided to give you direct access to the Source Statement Selection screen to enable source data structure extraction from within a program when starting-data-name or line-number is not adequate for isolating the data structure to use for formatting.
Use the Description field to document your comments to help you identify each of the layout usage conditions you define for each layout member.
Fields at the top half of the screen capture information about this XREF to help with future identification. One of these fields is the Generated filler length field, which can be used to request that File-AID automatically generate a filler field before each of the layouts when presenting formatted data displays.

14.4 Defining Layout Selection Rules Using Formatted Criteria

In this example, there are four layouts corresponding to the four different record types found in the ORDRFILE.
You now define the rules for the "PO" record type to be formatted by the layout member ORDERPO.
The S (Select Formatted) line command requests formatted criteria definition which uses the layout to help you enter a test for the record type field.
  1. Type S in the Cmd column on the first line of the scrollable member entry area.
  2. Type ORD* in the Member name column. A full member name is expected in this field. If you specify an * (asterisk), File-AID displays a list of all members of the layout library. If you leave the member name blank or specify a pattern, File-AID presents the PDS Processing Options (PPO) screen to help you filter the list of members. In this example you specify a pattern (ORD*). The pattern is carried over to the "Member mask" field of the PPO screen.
  3. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the PDS Processing Options screen as illustrated in Figure 14-3.
More About the Define XREF Screen
  • You can use the following primary commands on the XREF Define screen:
    END End Define XREF, validate entries, and SAVE the XREF member in the XREF dataset.
    CANCEL Abort Define XREF; do not SAVE member.
    SAVE Save the current XREF member; remain on the Define XREF screen.
    VIEW Display all entries for this XREF member in a scrollable, readable, browse screen.
  • The S (Select Formatted, alias SF) or the SU (Select Unformatted) line command is required for all member entries. A full member name or a pattern is required in the Member field.
  • Editing line commands are provided to help you to build complex XREF members. The editing line commands include:
    • A (After)
    • B (Before)
    • C (Copy a line to A or B marker)
    • D (Delete line)
    • I (Insert)
    • M (Move)
    • R (Repeat)
  • There are three types of layout members. The layout member type is identified by its status as displayed in the Status column. The status of a layout member is established in one of two ways. Either File-AID defines the status (the default) or you can explicitly set the status of a layout member (invoke the BAS or SEG line command) during XREF definition. There are three status types and commands, including:
    BAS (Status BASE). A BASE layout defines the beginning of the record and at least one condition has been specified with the Formatted (S) or Unformatted (SU) commands.
    SEG (Status SEGMENT). A SEGMENT layout defines a segment of the record following the last displayed BASE or SEGMENT. At least one condition (typically at a position relative to the end of the last displayed BASE or SEGMENT) has been specified with the Formatted (S) or Unformatted (SU) commands.
    DEF (Status DEFAULT-BASE). A DEFAULT-BASE layout defines the beginning of the record when no other BASE record conditions can be matched. No conditions are allowed for a DEFAULT-BASE. DEF is not allowed if status is BASE or SEGMENT, you must use the S or SU line commands and delete all conditions to make a layout a DEFAULT-BASE. Note: Only one layout member may be designated as a DEFAULT-BASE. The DEFAULT-BASE must be the last (or only) base layout in the XREF.
  • Description fields are optional and provided to assist with layout identification.

14.5 Using the PPO Member Filters

Whenever you use the Define XREF S or SF (Select Formatted), or SU (Select Unformatted) line commands, and leave the Member name column blank or use a pattern, File-AID displays a PDS Processing Options screen as shown in Figure 14-3.
Any pattern you specified is automatically carried forward and placed in the "Member name mask" field. You may specify additional filters (for example, Last modified userid), or just press <Enter> to get a list of all members whose names match your pattern.
Figure 14-3. PDS Processing Options - Member Name Mask ORD*. Filtering the Layout Members
| File-AID ----------------- PDS Processing Options -----------------------------|
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Layout Dataset: USERID9.FASAMP.LAYOUTS                                         |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Member Selection Options (Blank for All Members)                       |
|     Member name mask              ===> ORD*                                    |
|     Member name range             ===>          to ===>                        |
|     Last modified userid          ===>          to ===>                        |
|     Creation date                 ===>          to ===>          (YY/MM/DD)    |
|     Modification date             ===>          to ===>          (YY/MM/DD)    |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Use ENTER to continue, END to return to dataset specification screen           |
|                                                                                |
  1. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the RECORD LAYOUT FILE MEMBER LIST screen, showing all members starting with ORD as illustrated in Figure 14-4.
More About PDS Processing Options For Layout Member List
  • Use a member name of * (asterisk) on the Define XREF screen to list all members and to bypass the PPO screen. Note that if your record layout dataset contains a large number of members it may take some time to generate the member list.

14.6 Selecting a Layout Member from a Member List

File-AID displays the list of matching members as shown in Figure 14-3. Use the S line command to the left of the member you want, in this case, member ORDERPO.
Figure 14-4. Record Layout Member List Screen. Selecting a Layout Member.
| File-AID Member Select - USERID9.FASAMP.LAYOUTS -------------  ROW 1 TO 3 OF 3 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
|  S  NAME             VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED      SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID     |
|  S ORDERPO                                                                     |
|    ORDERSC                                                                     |
|    ORDERWO                                                                     |
| ************************** END OF SELECTION CRITERIA **************************|
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
  1. Type S in the input area just left of member name ORDERPO.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Formatted XREF Definition screen showing the ORDERPO member layout, as illustrated in Figure 14-5.

14.7 Defining the Formatted XREF Criteria

The selected ORDERPO layout is displayed in formatted mode. As described earlier, the ORDERPO layout defines all records with ORDER-TYPE equal to "PO".
Figure 14-5. Formatted XREF Definition - ORDERPO - ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO
| File-AID --- Formatted XREF Definition -------------- LAYOUTS HAVE BEEN LOADED |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
| ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ COLUMNS- RO ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+ |
| ******************************* TOP OF DATA ********************************   |
| 1 RECORD-LENGTH                   0                                            |
| 2 ORDER-NO                        2                                            |
| 3 ORDER-LINE-KEY SYNC             8                                            |
|   4 LINE-NUMBER                   8                                            |
| 5 ORDER-TYPE                     10                                            |
| 6 LINE-STATUS                    12                                            |
| 7 PART-NO                        19                                            |
| 8 DESCRIPTION                    25                                            |
| 9 UNIT-OF-MEASURE                55                                            |
| 10 PURCHASE-ORDER-INFO SYNC      57                                            |
|   11 PO-CODE                     57                                            |
|   12 PO-NUMBER                   61                                            |
|   13 PO-COMPANY                  73                                            |
|   14 PO-VENDOR-NUMBER           103                                            |
|   15 PO-VENDOR-CODE             108                                            |
| 16 FILLER                       113                                            |
| 17 ORDER-QUANTITIES SYNC        143                                            |
|   18 QTY-ORDERED                143                                            |
|   19 QTY-BACKORDERED            146                                            |
Showing Field Offsets with the SHOW OFFSET Command
Before you specify the condition, notice that all standard File-AID formatted mode commands are available including the SHOW and DISPLAY commands. You now use the SHOW OFFSET command to set the display to show the offset of each field so that you can see the location of the ORDER-TYPE field.
Figure 14-6. Display Offset Information - SHOW OFFSET
| File-AID --- Formatted XREF Definition -----------------                       |
| COMMAND ===> SHOW OFFSET                                                       |
| CRITERIA NUMBER:  1 OF  1  ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO                                  |
| ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ COLUMNS- RO ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+ |
| ******************************* TOP OF DATA ********************************   |
| 1 RECORD-LENGTH                   1                                            |
  1. If COLUMNS already appears in the center portion of the screen, you may skip these steps.
  2. Type SHOW OFFSET in the COMMAND field.
  3. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the Formatted XREF Definition screen showing the offsets of each field, as illustrated in Figure 14-7.

14.8 Defining the Formatted Layout Selection Condition

Field number 5, the ORDER-TYPE field, is located in column 11 of each data record. When the ORDER-TYPE field in a data record is equal to "PO" this ORDERPO member is to be used to format the data.
  1. Type END in the COMMAND field.
  2. Type EQ (equal) in the RO column to the right of the ORDER-TYPE field.
  3. Type PO in the data value area to the right of the RO column for the ORDER-TYPE field.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID captures your condition and returns to the Define XREF screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-8.

Figure 14-7. Formatted XREF Definition. Specifying the Selection Condition.
| File-AID --- Formatted XREF Definition -------------------- COLUMNS 00001 00149|
| COMMAND ===> END                                              SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ COLUMNS- RO -------1----+---2----+---3----+|
| ******************************* TOP OF DATA *********************************  |
| 1 RECORD-LENGTH                   1                                            |
| 2 ORDER-NO                        3                                            |
| 3 ORDER-LINE-KEY SYNC             9                                            |
|   4 LINE-NUMBER                   9                                            |
| 5 ORDER-TYPE                     11     EQ PO                                  |
| 6 LINE-STATUS                    13                                            |
| 7 PART-NO                        20                                            |
| 8 DESCRIPTION                    26                                            |
| 9 UNIT-OF-MEASURE                56                                            |
| 10 PURCHASE-ORDER-INFO SYNC      58                                            |
|   11 PO-CODE                     58                                            |
|   12 PO-NUMBER                   62                                            |
|   13 PO-COMPANY                  74                                            |
|   14 PO-VENDOR-NUMBER           104                                            |
|   15 PO-VENDOR-CODE             109                                            |
| 16 FILLER                       114                                            |
| 17 ORDER-QUANTITIES SYNC        144                                            |
|   18 QTY-ORDERED                144                                            |
|   19 QTY-BACKORDERED            147                                            |
More About the Formatted XREF Definition Screen
  • Valid RO operators include: EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, and GE.
  • The following codes are not allowed when defining an XREF: CO, NC, BT, NB, VA, and NV.
  • You can specify multiple fields; the field tests are ANDed together.
  • Use the INSERT or REPEAT command to enter alternate conditions (sets) for selecting a layout. Each CRITERIA set is ORed to all others. A record matching any CRITERIA set causes the current layout to be selected for formatting data.
  • Use DELETE to remove a condition. Removing the last criteria condition makes this layout a DEFAULT-BASE.

14.9 Defining Unformatted XREF Criteria

Upon return from the Formatted XREF Definition to the Define XREF screen (see Figure 14-8), notice that the full member name, ORDERPO, has been filled in by File-AID on line 1, along with the 01 level structure name ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO, and a status indicator of BASE.
As described earlier, the ORDERSC layout defines all records with ORDER-TYPE equal to "SC". Since you now know that the ORDER-TYPE field is located at position 11, you use the SU line command to invoke Unformatted XREF criteria to define the condition for using the ORDERSC layout.
Figure 14-8. Define XREF Screen (SU Command). Selecting Unformatted Criteria.
| File-AID ----- Define XREF - ORDERXRF ---------------------  ROW 1 TO 12 OF 15 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
|                                                                                |
| Member list description ===> ______________________________                    |
|                                                                                |
|     Long    ===> ______________________________________________________________|
| Description ===> ______________________________________________________________|
|                                                                                |
| Generated filler length ===> 0      (0 to suppress filler)                     |
|                                                                                |
| Cmd   Member   Beginning Data-Name              Description         Status     |
| --- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------  ----------------|
| ___ ORDERPO    ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO             _______________  BASE            |
| SU_ ORDERSC___ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
  1. Type SU in the Cmd column on the second line of the scrollable member entry area.
  2. Type ORDERSC in the Member name column on the second line.
  3. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Unformatted XREF Definition screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-9.

14.10 Defining the Unformatted Layout Selection Condition

As illustrated in Figure 14-7, the ORDER-TYPE field is located in column 11 of each data record. When the ORDER-TYPE field is equal to "SC", the ORDERSC member is to be used to format the data.
Figure 14-9. Unformatted XREF Definition Screen. Specifying the Layout Selection Condition.
| File-AID --------------  Unformatted XREF Definition  LAYOUTS HAVE BEEN LOADED |
| COMMAND ===> END                                              SCROLL ===> PAGE |
|                                                                                |
| Use END to continue, CANCEL to return to main screen.                          |
|                                                                                |
| Record Layout Member:  ORDERSC                                                 |
| Beginning Data Name:   ORDER-LINE-DATA-SC                                      |
|                                                                                |
|     AND                                                                        |
| Cmd /OR Position Length RO                      Data Value                     |
| --- --- -------- ------ -- ----------------------------------------------------|
| ___      11___   _____  EQ SC _________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
| ___ AND  _____   _____  EQ ____________________________________________________|
|                                                                                |
  1. Type END on the COMMAND line.
  2. Type 11 in the Position column on the first input line.
  3. Type EQ (equal) in the RO column on the first input line.
  4. Type SC in the data value column to the right of the EQ on the first input line.
  5. Press <Enter>. File-AID captures your condition and returns to the Define XREF screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-10.
More About Unformatted XREF Definition
  • Valid RO operators include: EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, and GE.
  • The following codes are not allowed when defining an XREF: CO, NC, BT, NB, VA, and NV.
  • The value you specify in the Position field can be a relative position by using one of the following Position values:
    *n (asterisk "n") where n represents a byte of data relative to data record byte 1. The *n notation is used for SEG (segment) type layouts when the determination of the presence of a segment is based on a data field in the base portion of the record rather than the segment itself.
    -n (minus "n") where n represents a byte of data relative to the end of the currently displayed layout. The -n notation is used for SEG (segment) type layouts when the determination of the presence and format of the next segment of record data is based on a data field in the currently displayed segment (or base) portion of the record rather than the next segment itself.
    (plus n) where n represents a byte of data beyond the end of the currently displayed layout. The notation is implied when no special character (, -, *) precedes a Position value for SEGMENT status layouts. With or n alone, the determination of the presence and format of the next segment of record data is based on a data field in the next segment itself.
  • Valid line commands include:
    • A (After)
    • B (Before)
    • C (Copy a line to A or B marker)
    • D (Delete line)
    • I (Insert)
    • M (Move)
    • R (Repeat).
  • Use the CANCEL command to stop unformatted XREF criteria processing and return to the Define XREF entry screen.

14.11 Defining Formatted XREF Criteria Using Beginning Data-Name

Upon return from the Unformatted XREF Definition to the Define XREF screen (see Figure 14-10), notice that the status indicator, BASE, has been filled in by File-AID on line 2 for member ORDERSC.
Figure 14-10. Define XREF Screen. Selecting Multiple Layouts Member ORDERWO.
| File-AID ----- Define XREF - ORDERXRF ---------------------  ROW 1 TO 12 OF 15 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
|                                                                                |
| Member list description ===> ______________________________                    |
|                                                                                |
|     Long    ===> ______________________________________________________________|
| Description ===> ______________________________________________________________|
|                                                                                |
| Generated filler length ===> 0      (0 to suppress filler)                     |
|                                                                                |
| Cmd   Member   Beginning Data-Name              Description         Status     |
| --- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------  ----------------|
| ___ ORDERPO    ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO             _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERSC    ORDER-LINE-DATA-SC             _______________  BASE            |
| S _ ORDERWO___ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
Accessing the List of Available Layouts Screen
If the source member contains multiple 01-level structures and you do not specify a value in the Beginning Data-Name field, the LIST OF AVAILABLE LAYOUTS screen is displayed as shown in Figure 14-11.
  1. Type S in the Cmd column on the third line of the scrollable member entry area.
  2. Type ORDERWO in the Member name column on the third line.
  3. Press <Enter>.

14.12 Selecting a Layout Structure from an Available Layouts List

As described earlier, the ORDERWO layout member contains two 01 level structures:
The OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER layout is used when the ORDER-TYPE is "WO" and the CONTRACT-INDICATOR is "OV".
The INTERNAL-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER layout is used when the ORDER-TYPE is "WO" and the CONTRACT-INDICATOR is "IN".
Since both of these structures exist within the same source layout member, you can use the Beginning Data-Name field to specify which structure to use for each set of rules. You may either type in the data-name or leave the data-name field blank when you use either of the criteria access line commands: S or SU.
Use the S line command to the left of the 01-level structure you want, in this case, OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER.
Figure 14-11. List of Available Layouts Screen. Selecting an 01-Level Structure.
| File-AID ---- LIST OF AVAILABLE RECORD LAYOUTS --------------  ROW 1 TO 2 OF 2 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
|             Member                                                             |
|   S    Nbr  name       01-level Name                  Status                   |
|  ---   --- --------  ------------------------------   ------------------------ |
|          1 ORDERWO   INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER                                       |
|  S       2 ORDERWO   OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER                                 |
| ************************** END OF SELECTION CRITERIA **************************|
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
  1. Type S in the S column just left of member number 2, member name ORDERWO with an 01-level Name of OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Formatted XREF Definition screen showing the ORDERWO member's structure for OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER layout, as illustrated in Figure 14-12.

14.13 Defining the Formatted Layout Selection - Compound Condition

When the ORDER-TYPE field is equal to "WO" and the CONTRACT-INDICATOR field is equal to "OV", the OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER structure contained in the ORDERWO layout library member is selected to format the data.
Figure 14-12. Formatted XREF Definition. Specifying a Compound Condition.
| File-AID --- Formatted XREF Definition ----------------------------------------|
| COMMAND ===> END                                              SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ COLUMNS  RO ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+ |
| ******************************* TOP OF DATA ********************************   |
| 1 RECORD-LENGTH                   1                                            |
| 2 ORDER-NO                        3                                            |
| 3 ORDER-LINE-KEY SYNC             9                                            |
|   4 LINE-NUMBER                   9                                            |
| 5 ORDER-TYPE                     11    EQ WO                                   |
| 6 LINE-STATUS                    13                                            |
| 7 PART-NO                        20                                            |
| 8 DESCRIPTION                    26                                            |
| 9 CONTRACT-INDICATOR             56    EQ OV                                   |
| 10 UNIT-OF-MEASURE               58                                            |
| 11 VENDOR-INFO SYNC              60                                            |
|   12 VENDOR-NUMBER               60                                            |
|   13 VENDOR-NAME                 65                                            |
|   14 VENDOR-AREA-CODE            85                                            |
|   15 VENDOR-TELEPHONE            88                                            |
|   16 VENDOR-START-DATE           95                                            |
|   17 VENDOR-COMPLETE-DATE       101                                            |
|   18 FILLER                     107                                            |
  1. Type END in the COMMAND field.
  2. Type EQ (equal) in the RO column to the right of the ORDER-TYPE field.
  3. Type WO in the data value area to the right of the RO column for the ORDER-TYPE field.
  4. Type EQ (equal) in the RO column to the right of the CONTRACT-INDICATOR field.
  5. Type OV in the data value column to the right of the RO column for the CONTRACT-INDICATOR field. Multiple tests within one criteria are ANDed together.
  6. Press <Enter>. File-AID captures your condition and returns to the Define XREF screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-13.

14.14 Setting a Default Base Layout

Upon return from the Formatted XREF Definition screen to the Define XREF screen (see Figure 14-13), notice that File-AID has entered the member name on line 3, along with the 01-level structure name OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER, and a status indicator of BASE.
When no conditions are specified for a layout, File-AID assigns a status of DEFAULT-BASE to that layout and uses the default layout whenever it encounters a data record that does not match any of the XREF criteria specified. In this example, use the structure INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER in the ORDERWO source member as a default layout.
Figure 14-13. Define XREF Screen. Specifying the Default-Base Layout.
| File-AID ----- Define XREF - ORDERXRF ---------------------  ROW 1 TO 12 OF 15 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE |
|                                                                                |
| Member list description ===> ______________________________                    |
|                                                                                |
|     Long    ===> ______________________________________________________________|
| Description ===> ______________________________________________________________|
|                                                                                |
| Generated filler length ===> 0      (0 to suppress filler)                     |
|                                                                                |
| Cmd   Member   Beginning Data-Name              Description         Status     |
| --- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------  ----------------|
| ___ ORDERPO    ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO             _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERSC    ORDER-LINE-DATA-SC             _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERWO    OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER      _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERWO    INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER            _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
  1. Leave the Cmd column blank.
  2. Type ORDERWO in the Member Name column on the fourth line.
  3. Type INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER in the Beginning Data-Name column.
  4. Press <Enter>. File-AID redisplays the Define XREF screen with the fourth line marked with a status of DEFAULT-BASE as illustrated in Figure 14-14.
More About Default Layouts
  • The DEFAULT-BASE must be the last BASE in the XREF.
  • Only one layout may be marked as a DEFAULT-BASE.
  • A DEFAULT-BASE may be followed by any number of SEGMENT layouts.
  • There is no way to specify a default SEGMENT other than to set up a condition in the last SEGMENT of a group of SEGMENTs that is likely to be true (for example, FIELDX NE CPWR).
  • The beginning data name can be abbreviated as long as the partial name is unique or matches the first structure starting with the name specified. For example, INTERNAL-W is valid in this case.

14.15 Saving the New XREF Member

Your XREF for the ORDRFILE is now complete. Use the END command or PF key (default PF3) to exit from the Define XREF screen and to save your XREF criteria member.
Figure 14-14. Define XREF Screen. Entering Description and Saving XREF Definition.
| File-AID ----- Define XREF - ORDERXRF ---------------------  ROW 1 TO 12 OF 15 |
| COMMAND ===> END                                             SCROLL ===> PAGE  |
|                                                                                |
| Member list description ===> XREF FOR ORDER FILE                               |
|                                                                                |
|     Long    ===> ______________________________________________________________|
| Description ===> ______________________________________________________________|
|                                                                                |
| Generated filler length ===> 0      (0 to suppress filler)                     |
|                                                                                |
| Cmd   Member   Beginning Data-Name              Description         Status     |
| --- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------  ----------------|
| ___ ORDERPO    ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO             _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERSC    ORDER-LINE-DATA-SC             _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERWO    OUTSIDE-VENDOR-WORK-ORDER      _______________  BASE            |
| ___ ORDERWO    INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER            ______________   DEFAULT BASE    |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
| ___ __________ ______________________________ _______________                  |
  1. Type END in the COMMAND field.
  2. Type XREF FOR ORDER FILE in the Member list description field.
  3. Press <Enter>. File-AID saves your new member ORDERXRF in the sample dataset FASAMP.XREF and returns to the Record Layout Cross Reference screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-15.

14.16 Exiting XREF and Returning to Main Menu

Notice that the message, CRITERIA MEMBER SAVED, is displayed to confirm that your XREF member has been created.
Use the END command to exit from the XREF function and to return to the File-AID Primary Option Menu.
Figure 14-15. Record Layout Cross Reference. Saving the XREF Member and Exiting XREF Using the END Command.
| File-AID --------------  Record Layout Cross Referenc    CRITERIA MEMBER SAVED |
| COMMAND ===> END                                                               |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Cross Reference Dataset to be Created or Edited:                       |
|    XREF dataset name        ===> FASAMP.XREF                                   |
|    Member name              ===> ORDERXRF (Blank or pattern for member list)   |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Record Layout Information:                                             |
|    Record layout dataset    ===> FASAMP.LAYOUTS                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| This function creates and maintains existing File-AID Record Layout Cross      |
| References. These XREF's are used to match record layouts to data records in   |
| File-AID functions that use formatting.                                        |
|                                                                                |
  1. Type END in the COMMAND field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID returns to the Primary Option Menu screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-17.
More About XREF Members
  • Use function 5.2 Print XREF to print an XREF member. When you print an XREF, you can request a print of all referenced record layouts.

14.17 Using the XREF Member - Record Layout Usage

XREF members are most often used when browsing, editing, or printing a multi-record type data file. XREF members contain the criteria for selecting the correct record layout for formatting each data record. On the entry screen of the Browse and Edit functions, as well as many other File-AID functions and utilities, there are specific fields for you to specify layout usage and the layout dataset name as shown in the following partial Browse screen:
Figure 14-16. Record Layout Usage Section of Function Entry Screens in File-AID
| Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:                                    |
|    Record layout usage      ===> X          (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None)   |
|    Record layout dataset    ===> FASAMP.LAYOUTS                                |
|    Member                   ===>            (Blank or pattern for member list) |
|    XREF dataset             ===> FASAMP.XREF                                   |
|    Member                   ===> ORDERXRF   (Blank or pattern for member list) |
Use the Record layout usage field to indicate whether you are using a single record layout (S), an XREF (X), or no layouts (N) to format your data records.
The last XREF dataset and member name referenced in the XREF utility is automatically transferred to all File-AID screens that contain an XREF dataset name field.
If you specify Record layout usage X (use XREF), you must enter the valid record layout dataset name that contains the source layout members referenced in the XREF dataset member. The Record layout member name field is not used and may be left blank when using an XREF.

14.18 Browsing Formatted Data Records with an XREF

You now start a Browse session and specify layout usage X to use the new XREF you created earlier in this chapter.
  1. Type 1 in the OPTION field.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Browse - Dataset Specification screen, as illustrated in Figure 14-18.

Figure 14-17. File-AID Primary Option Menu. Starting a Browse Session (Select Option 1).
| File-AID 8.0.0 -------------  Primary Option Menu  ----------------------------|
| OPTION ===> 1                                                                  |
|                                                                                |
|   0  PARAMETERS  - Specify ISPF and File-AID parameters     USERID   - USERID9 |
|   1  BROWSE      - Display file contents                    PF KEYS  - 24      |
|   2  EDIT        - Create or change file contents           TERMINAL - 3278    |
|   3  UTILITIES   - File-AID/SPF extended utilities          TIME     - 16:30   |
|   5  PRINT       - Print file contents                      JULIAN   - 94.193  |
|   6  SELECTION   - Create or change selection criteria      DATE     - 94/07/12|
|   7  XREF        - Create or change record/layout cross reference              |
|   8  VIEW        - View interpreted record layout                              |
|   9  REFORMAT    - Convert file from one format to another                     |
|  10  COMPARE     - Compare file contents                                       |
|   C  CHANGES     - Display summary of File-AID changes                         |
|   T  TUTORIAL    - Display information about File-AID                          |
|   X  EXIT        - Terminate File-AID and return to ISPF                       |
|                                                                                |
|      Use the END command to terminate File-AID                                 |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|       Copyright (c) 1982,1994, an unpublished work by Compuware Corporation.   |
|                              All Rights Reserved.                              |

14.19 Requesting the XREF Usage

As mentioned earlier, the Record layout usage field controls the XREF usage. Here you request a formatted display of the ORDRFILE using your new XREF.
Figure 14-18. Browse - Dataset Specification Screen. Using the XREF for Browsing a Data File.
| File-AID --------------  Browse - Dataset Specification  ----------------------|
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
| Browse Mode                 ===> F          (F=Formatted; C=Char; V=Vertical)  |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Browse Information:                                                    |
|    Browse dataset           ===> FASAMP.ORDRFILE                               |
|    Member                   ===>            (Blank or pattern for member list) |
|    Volume serial            ===>            (If dataset is not cataloged)      |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:                                    |
|    Record layout usage      ===> X          (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None)   |
|    Record layout dataset    ===> FASAMP.LAYOUTS                                |
|    Member                   ===> ________   (Blank or pattern for member list) |
|    XREF dataset             ===> FASAMP.XREF                                   |
|    Member                   ===> ORDERXRF   (Blank or pattern for member list) |
|                                                                                |
| Specify Selection Criteria Information:     (E = Existing; T = Temporary;      |
|    Selection criteria usage ===> N           M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None)  |
|    Selection dataset name   ===> FASAMP.SELCRIT                                |
|    Member name              ===> INVSEL     (Blank or pattern for member list) |
  1. Type F (formatted) in the Browse Mode field.
  2. Type FASAMP.ORDRFILE in the Browse dataset field.
  3. Type X in the Record layout usage field. Note: Vertical format (VFMT command or Browse mode V) is not allowed when using an XREF.
  4. Type FASAMP.LAYOUTS in the Record layout dataset field.
  5. Blank out the record layout Member field.
  6. Verify the XREF dataset is FASAMP.XREF.
  7. Verify the XREF member is ORDERXRF. Note: If you did not complete the steps described earlier in this chapter to build a new XREF member, you may use a sample member name, ORDRFILE, for your XREF member name.
  8. Make sure that the value of the Selection criteria usage field is N.
  9. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the first record of the ORDRFILE file, which is formatted with the ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO layout. The XREF selected this layout because the the data value in the ORDER-TYPE field for record 1 is PO. This record is shown in Figure 14-19.

14.20 Scrolling with the FWD Command

Each time you move to a new record when you are in formatted mode, File-AID examines the XREF logic to determine which layout to use to format the data.
Figure 14-19. Scrolling to the Next Formatted Record. Triggering the XREF Logic.
| FILE-AID - BROWSE - USERID9.FASAMP.ORDRFILE ------------------------ COL 1  152|
| COMMAND ===> FWD                                              SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| RECORD:     1                 ORDER-LINE-DATA-PO                 LENGTH:   184 |
| ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ COLUMNS- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---4|
| 1 RECORD-LENGTH                   1    184                                     |
| 2 ORDER-NO                        3    AA2222                                  |
| 3 ORDER-LINE-KEY SYNC             9                                            |
|   4 LINE-NUMBER                   9    01                                      |
| 5 ORDER-TYPE                     11    PO                                      |
| 6 LINE-STATUS                    13    OPEN                                    |
| 7 PART-NO                        20    C7477A                                  |
| 8 DESCRIPTION                    26    BLACK COAXIAL CABLE                     |
| 9 UNIT-OF-MEASURE                56    EA                                      |
| 10 PURCHASE-ORDER-INFO SYNC      58                                            |
|   11 PO-CODE                     58    WXWW                                    |
|   12 PO-NUMBER                   62    AA2222-22                               |
|   13 PO-COMPANY                  74    ZENITH WIRE                             |
|   14 PO-VENDOR-NUMBER           104    2224                                    |
|   15 PO-VENDOR-CODE             109    34552                                   |
| 16 FILLER                       114                                            |
| 17 ORDER-QUANTITIES SYNC        144                                            |
|   18 QTY-ORDERED                144    12                                      |
|   19 QTY-BACKORDERED            147    1                                       |
|          Enter CHAR for character mode, VFMT  for vertical format mode         |
  1. Type FWD in the COMMAND field of the formatted screen and press <Enter>. Or,
    Press PF11 (RIGHT, FWD). (PF11 is assigned to the RIGHT command by default.) File-AID displays the next record, record 2, of the ORDRFILE file formatted with the INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER layout, because the data value in the ORDER-TYPE field is WO, but the CONTRACT-INDICATOR is not OV. Record number 2 is illustrated in Figure 14-20.
More about Scrolling Methods and XREF Usage
  • Some of the methods for moving to a new record in formatted mode include using the following commands:
    RIGHT (alias FWD) Moves to the next record in the file.
    LEFT (alias BACK) Moves to the previous record in the file.
    FIND Moves to the record matching your search condition. Note: If you use the FIND /field-name or FIND /field-number syntax when you have an XREF, only those record types that match the XREF conditions for the current layout are searched for matching data.
    CHANGE (Edit) Works the same as the FIND command.
    KEY command (Keyed files only) Relocates to a specific record using the key fields to specify the desired key value.
    LR Locates a record by record number.
  • The FPRINT n command automatically invokes XREF logic for each subsequent record printed.
  • XREF logic is also triggered whenever a record is selected for formatted mode from the CHARACTER mode.
  • You may manually select a different layout from among all layouts referenced in the XREF by issuing the USE command.

14.21 Printing Your Data Records with XREF

When the FPRINT command is used to print formatted data records, your XREF logic is examined to determine which layout to use for each record printed.
XREF logic is also checked when you use an XREF in the Print Data File function (option 5.1). In this example you produce a formatted print report of record 2 and all following records using the FPRINT ALL command.
Figure 14-20. Print Request Using the FPRINT ALL Command. Printing a Formatted Record With XREF Logic.
| FILE-AID - BROWSE - USERID9.FASAMP.ORDRFILE ------------------------- COL 1  99|
| COMMAND ===> FPRINT ALL                                       SCROLL ===> PAGE |
| RECORD:     2                 INTERNAL-WORK-ORDER                LENGTH:   160 |
| ---- FIELD NUMBER/NAME ------ COLUMNS- ----+---1----+---2----+---3----+---4|
| 1 RECORD-LENGTH                   1    160                                     |
| 2 ORDER-NO                        3    AA2222                                  |
| 3 ORDER-LINE-KEY SYNC             9                                            |
|   4 LINE-NUMBER                   9    03                                      |
| 5 ORDER-TYPE                     11    WO                                      |
| 6 LINE-STATUS                    13    OPEN                                    |
| 7 PART-NO                        20    C7777L                                  |
| 8 DESCRIPTION                    26    XTRA XXXX COAXIAL CABLE                 |
| 9 CONTRACT-INDICATOR             56    IN                                      |
| 10 UNIT-OF-MEASURE               58    EA                                      |
| 11 WORK-ORDER-INFO SYNC          60                                            |
|   12 WO-NUMBER                   60    AA-256                                  |
|   13 WO-STATION                  66    SST                                     |
|   14 WO-PLANT                    72    NW22                                    |
|   15 WO-ORDER-DATE               76    880901                                  |
|   16 WO-START-DATE               82    880902                                  |
|   17 WO-COMPLETE-DATE            88                                            |
| 18 WORK-ORDER-QUANTITIES SYNC    94                                            |
|   19 QTY-TO-MAKE                 94    12                                      |
|          Enter CHAR for character mode, VFMT  for vertical format mode         |
  1. Type FPRINT ALL in the COMMAND field of the formatted screen.
  2. Press <Enter>. File-AID displays the Print Parameters screen as illustrated in Figure 14-21.

14.22 Routing Your FPRINT

Fill in the Print Parameters screen to route your Formatted record printouts to Sysout or a dataset.
After reviewing the FPRINT output, you are done with this example.
Figure 14-21. Print Parameters Screen. Specifying Print Parameters to Route FPRINT Output.
| File-AID -------------------  Print Parameters  -------------------------------|
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
| Number of lines/page       ===> 55       (0 = Suppress page headings)          |
| Sysout class               ===> x                                              |
| Number of copies           ===> 1                                              |
|                                                                                |
| Enter One of the Following Optional Destinations:                              |
|                                                                                |
|    Destination printer     ===>          (Local or remote printer)             |
|    - - - OR - - -                                                              |
|    External JES Node ID    ===>          (Predefined JES Node and symbolic ID  |
|    Target VM/TSO ident     ===>           of intended receiver of output)      |
|    - - - OR - - -                                                              |
|    Sysout writer name      ===>          (Installation assigned output writer) |
|    - - - OR - - -                                                              |
|                                          (DSORG=PS, RECFM=V, LRECL=125)        |
|    Print dataset name      ===>                                                |
|    Disposition             ===> OLD      (NEW, SHR, MOD, OLD)                  |
|    Volume serial           ===>                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|  Use ENTER to continue, END to cancel                                          |
|                                                                                |
  1. Type a valid Sysout "hold" class in the Sysout class field.
  2. Press <Enter>.
  3. Use standard output browsing facilities to review your FPRINT report.
  4. Exit File-AID by entering the RETURN command.

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