Saturday, November 17, 2012

File-Aid: Viewing Load Module Information

Chapter 9. Viewing Load Module Information

File-AID has a utility similar to ISPF's 3.1 Library Utility for displaying and managing PDS members. Special features for load modules let you display and change the link-edit attributes and to view CSECT information in name or address order. The File-AID 3.1 Library utility provides these capabilities and other features for managing partitioned data sets (PDS).

9.1 Accessing the Library Utility (Option 3.1)

The Library utility is located on File-AID's Extended Utilities menu (option 3) as utility number 1.
  1. From the File-AID Primary Option Menu (not shown here), select File-AID option 3.1 to access the Library Utility entry screen (Figure 9-1).
Figure 9-1. Library Utility Entry Screen
| File-AID -------------------  Library Utility  ------------------------------- |
| OPTION ===>                                                                    |
|                                                                                |
|    A - Map CSECTs in address order            B - Browse member                |
|    N - Map CSECTs in name order               D - Delete member                |
|    S - Display directory entry of member      R - Rename member                |
|    blank - Display member list                                                 |
|                                                                                |
|    Dataset name  ===> 'SYS1.LINKLIB'                                           |
|                                                                                |
|    Member name   ===>                                                          |
|                                                                                |
|    New name      ===>                                                          |
|                                                                                |
|    Volume serial ===>          (If not cataloged)                              |
|                                                                                |
|    Disposition   ===> SHR      (SHR or OLD)                                    |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

9.2 Defining Your Library Request

The Library Utility entry screen (see Figure 9-2) captures your:
  • Main request option:
    A list CSECTS in address order
    N list CSECTS in name order
    S show directory entry in hex
    B browse member
    D delete member
    R rename member
    blank list members After File-AID produces a list of members, all of the options become valid line commands that may be specified for any member listed.
  • Dataset name Standard File-AID dataset name entry is supported including using wildcard character in the dataset name (for example, FASAMP.*)
  • Member name (required for all but blank option) If a member name is specified, it must be a valid full member name, no pattern characters are allowed.
  • New name (required and used only by R (Rename))
  • Disposition (SHR or OLD) If the disposition is OLD for a load module library, the S (list directory) option displays (and allows update to some of) the load module's link-edit attributes.

9.3 Generating a Member List

This example lists all members of the system load library (SYS1.LINKLIB). Later you are shown how to select a member to view the CSECTS in address order. You use option blank (Display member list).
Figure 9-2. Library Utility Entry Screen. Requesting a Member List.
| File-AID -------------------  Library Utility  ------------------------------- |
| OPTION ===> ___                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|    A - Map CSECTs in address order            B - Browse member                |
|    N - Map CSECTs in name order               D - Delete member                |
|    S - Display directory entry of member      R - Rename member                |
|    blank - Display member list                                                 |
|                                                                                |
|    Dataset name  ===> 'SYS1.LINKLIB'                                           |
|                                                                                |
|    Member name   ===>                                                          |
|                                                                                |
|    New name      ===>                                                          |
|                                                                                |
|    Volume serial ===>          (If not cataloged)                              |
|                                                                                |
|    Disposition   ===> SHR      (SHR or OLD)                                    |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

  1. Leave the OPTION field blank.
  2. Type the dataset name 'SYS1.LINKLIB'.
  3. Verify the value of the Disposition field is SHR.
  4. Press <Enter>.

9.4 Processing the Member List Using Primary Commands

The Library utility member list accepts several primary commands including:
LOCATE mem Scrolls the list to the member with this name
P Print the directory list to your default printer
DOWN Scroll down by the scroll amount
UP Scroll up by the scroll amount
x mem where x is either: A (Address order), N (Name order), B (Browse), or S (Show directory).
Use the LOCATE command to scroll the list to look for load module IEBCOPY.
Figure 9-3. Library Utility. Using LOCATE to Scroll a Member List.
| File-AID Library Utility - SYS1.LINKLIB ---------------- 2804 MEMBERS SELECTED |
| COMMAND ===> L IEBCOP                                         SCROLL ===> CSR  |
|   Name      Rename   Size   TTR   Alias-of AC   EP   R/M A/M Attributes        |
|   AAODUMY           0000F8 00812C          43 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   AAOEFTB3          0002F0 008125          43 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   AAORSMGR          000278 008412          42 000000 ANY 31  FO RF RN RU       |
|   AAOSTPHA          000C30 008403          26 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPHG          0004E8 008133          26 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPHM          0006E8 00820C          26 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPHP          000E30 008204          00 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH1          002440 008214          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH2          000AF0 00821B          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH3          000B90 008222          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH4          001680 008229          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH5          000BE0 008303          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH6          000960 00830A          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH7          001630 008311          00 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH8          000A50 008318          42 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPH9          003980 00831F          27 000000 24  24  FO                |
|   AAOSTPLB          001F20 00811D          27 000000 24  31  FO RF RN RU       |
|   AAOSTPX1          0006A0 00840A          94 000000 ANY 31  FO RF RN RU       |
|   ABA               004080 017C06          26 0002A0 24  31  FO                |
|   ACCOUNT           0013F8 01DB12          00 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   AD                027300 029412          15 000000 24  24  FO                |
|                                                                                |

  1. Type L IEBCOP in the COMMAND field. L is an abbreviation for LOCATE. If the member name is not found, the list is scrolled to show the nearest members to the specified name.
  2. Press <Enter>.

9.5 Processing the Member List Using Line Commands

The Library Utility member list screen accepts several line commands, including:
B Browse the member.
S View directory entry. For load modules, this option shows the link-edit attributes. Some attributes may be overtyped when Disposition=OLD.
A List CSECTs in address order (load module only).
N List CSECTs in CSECT name order (load module only).
R Rename member (specify new member name in "Rename" column to right of member name).
D Delete member.
U Undo (may be used on a *DELETED or *RENAMED member to restore the member after a D (Delete) or R (Rename).
You examine the address order display of CSECTS in the IEBCOPY load module.
  1. Type an A to the left of the IEBCOPY member name.
  2. Press <Enter>.
Figure 9-4. Library Utility. Viewing CSECTS in Address Order (The A Line Command).
| File-AID Library Utility - SYS1.LINKLIB ---------  ROW 1,202 TO 1,222 OF 2,804 |
| COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
|   Name      Rename   Size   TTR   Alias-of AC   EP   R/M A/M Attributes        |
|   IEBCOMPR          005508 01780E          94 0048C0 24  24  FO                |
| A IEBCOPY           01B438 02E616          00 00E628 24  24  FO                |
|   IEBCRANL          000CD0 01751A          43 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   IEBCREAT          000D80 017523          26 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   IEBDG             0010E0 01752B          42 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBDGCUP          000418 017534          00 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBDGMSG          000FB8 017601          26 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   IEBEDIT           001FB8 018C04          27 000000 24  24  FO RU             |
|   IEBFDANL          000D00 01760A          43 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   IEBFDTBL          000A80 017613          94 000000 24  24  FO RF RN RU       |
|   IEBGENER          009270 02F505          00 003298 24  24  FO                |
|   IEBIMAGE          00BC18 018C0E          00 000000 24  24  FO RU             |
|   IEBISAM           0004D0 01AE17          26 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBISC            000658 01AE1F          26 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBISF            0007B0 01AE28          26 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBISL            000968 01AF04          26 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBISPL           0007D8 01AF0D          94 000000 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBISU            000770 01AF16          94 0003F0 24  24  FO RN RU          |
|   IEBPTPCH          005CA8 017904          00 0053A0 24  24  FO                |
|   IEBUPDTE          005498 017801          26 001618 24  24  FO                |
|   IECDLGRT          0026D8 017120          00 000000 24  31  FO RN RU          |
|                                                                                |

9.6 Viewing the Load Module's CSECTS in Address Order

Information displayed for a load module includes:
  • Link date and job name.
  • Detailed information on each CSECT.
    • Name
    • Type
    • Address
    • Length
    • Compiler type
    • Compile date
    • Amode/Rmode
    • Zap ID and date of any applied Zaps
You may scroll DOWN and UP. You may use the FIND command to locate CSECTS or dates. You may issue the P (print) primary command to direct the display to a printer or dataset.
The END command is used to exit the display.
You are done with this example so return to the File-AID Primary Option Menu now.
  1. Use the END command (press PF3) THREE TIMES to redisplay the File-AID Primary Option Menu.
Figure 9-5. Library Utility - CSECT Information - Address Order
| COMMAND ===> END                                              SCROLL ===> CSR  |
| IEBCOPY was linked on 93/09/08 by LINKXA                                       |
| - Symbol - Type  ADDR  Length  Tname 1    Tdate 1  Tname 2    Tdate 2  A/R mode|
| ---------- ---- ------ ------ ---------- -------- ---------- --------  --------|
|   IEBCOMCA  SD   00000   1000 ASM H V2   93/04/02                        24/ 24|
|                 IDENT   93/09/08 UY92656                                       |
|    IEBMCA   LD   00000                                                         |
|    PATCHMCA LD   00FC8                                                         |
|   IEBCOMCB  SD   01000   2000 ASM H V2   93/04/02                        24/ 24|
|    IND$C    LD   01000                                                         |
|    OUTD$C   LD   01200                                                         |
|    UT3D$C   LD   01400                                                         |
|    UT4D$C   LD   01600                                                         |
|    LOADD$C  LD   01800                                                         |
|    UNLDD$C  LD   01A00                                                         |
|    BPAMD$C  LD   01C00                                                         |
|    PRTAREA  LD   02000                                                         |
|    RDCAREA  LD   02200                                                         |
|    H1AREA   LD   02300                                                         |
|    H2AREA   LD   02340                                                         |
|    DDNTAB   LD   0245C                                                         |
|    STKAREA  LD   024E0                                                         |
|    STKEND   LD   02FF8                                                         |

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